Perovskite lead-free dielectrics for energy storage applications
The projected increase in world energy consumption within the next 50 years, coupled with
low emission requirements, has inspired an enormous effort towards the development of …
low emission requirements, has inspired an enormous effort towards the development of …
Anti-ferroelectric ceramics for high energy density capacitors
With an ever increasing dependence on electrical energy for powering modern equipment
and electronics, research is focused on the development of efficient methods for the …
and electronics, research is focused on the development of efficient methods for the …
[HTML][HTML] Perovskite Srx (Bi1− xNa0. 97− xLi0. 03) 0.5 TiO3 ceramics with polar nano regions for high power energy storage
Dielectric capacitors are very attractive for high power energy storage. However, the low
energy density of these capacitors, which is mainly limited by the dielectric materials, is still …
energy density of these capacitors, which is mainly limited by the dielectric materials, is still …
[HTML][HTML] Energy storage performance and phase transition under high electric field in Na/Ta co-doped AgNbO3 ceramics
M Zhao, J Wang, H Yuan, Z Zheng, L Zhao - Journal of Materiomics, 2023 - Elsevier
Lead-free antiferroelectric ceramics with high energy storage performance show great
potential in pulsed power capacitors. However, poor breakdown strength and …
potential in pulsed power capacitors. However, poor breakdown strength and …
High energy storage properties of lead-free Mn-doped (1-x) AgNbO3-xBi0. 5Na0. 5TiO3 antiferroelectric ceramics
Abstract In this work, 0.2 wt.% Mn-doped (1-x) AgNbO 3-xBi 0.5 Na 0.5 TiO 3 (x= 0.00–0.04)
ceramics were synthesized via solid state reaction method in flowing oxygen. The evolution …
ceramics were synthesized via solid state reaction method in flowing oxygen. The evolution …
Antiferroelectric to Ferroelectric Crossover and Energy Storage Properties of (Pb1−xLax)(Zr0.90Ti0.10)1−x/4O3 (0.02 ≤ x ≤ 0.04) Ceramics
Polarization switching behavior and energy storage performances of (Pb1− xLax)(Zr0.
90Ti0. 10) 1− x/4O3 (PLZT x/90/10) ceramics with La compositions across the ferroelectric …
90Ti0. 10) 1− x/4O3 (PLZT x/90/10) ceramics with La compositions across the ferroelectric …
Antiferroelectric to relaxor ferroelectric phase transition in PbO modified (Pb 0.97 La 0.02)(Zr 0.95 Ti 0.05) O 3 ceramics with a large energy-density for dielectric …
B Li, QX Liu, XG Tang, TF Zhang, YP Jiang, WH Li… - RSC Advances, 2017 - pubs.rsc.org
(Pb0. 97 (1+ x) La0. 02)(Zr0. 95Ti0. 05) O3 (PLZT2/95/5) ceramics with excess lead content
(x= 0, 3%, 5%, 7.5%, 10% and 15%) were successfully prepared via a solid-state reaction …
(x= 0, 3%, 5%, 7.5%, 10% and 15%) were successfully prepared via a solid-state reaction …
Effect of barium content on dielectric and energy storage properties of (Pb, La, Ba)(Zr, Sn, Ti) O3 ceramics
The effect of barium content on phase development, dielectric property and energy storage
performance of (Pb 0.925− x La 0.05 Ba x)(Zr 0.52 Sn 0.39 Ti 0.09) O 3 (PLBZST) ceramics …
performance of (Pb 0.925− x La 0.05 Ba x)(Zr 0.52 Sn 0.39 Ti 0.09) O 3 (PLBZST) ceramics …
Effect of ZnO do** on structural, dielectric, ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties of BaZr0. 1Ti0. 9O3 ceramics
This study provides a fundamental understanding of structural, dielectric, ferroelectric and
piezoelectric properties of bare and ZnO-doped BaZr 0.1 Ti 0.9 O 3 (BZT) solid solutions …
piezoelectric properties of bare and ZnO-doped BaZr 0.1 Ti 0.9 O 3 (BZT) solid solutions …
Energy storage properties of PLZST ceramics with tetragonal/orthorhombic two-phase coexistence
S Zou, J Zhang, L Gao, J Zhao, H Chen - Materials Science and …, 2021 - Elsevier
Abstract In recent years,(Pb, La)(Zr, Sn, Ti) O 3 (PLZST) antiferroelectric ceramics have
attracted many attentions as energy storage materials. The tetragonal phase PLZST …
attracted many attentions as energy storage materials. The tetragonal phase PLZST …