[HTML][HTML] Sagnac interference in integrated photonics
As a fundamental optical approach to interferometry, Sagnac interference has been widely
used for reflection manipulation, precision measurements, and spectral engineering in …
used for reflection manipulation, precision measurements, and spectral engineering in …
Plasmonic tweezers: for nanoscale optical trap** and beyond
Optical tweezers and associated manipulation tools in the far field have had a major impact
on scientific and engineering research by offering precise manipulation of small objects …
on scientific and engineering research by offering precise manipulation of small objects …
Design and experimental realization of triple-band electromagnetically induced transparency terahertz metamaterials employing two big-bright modes for sensing …
Multi-band electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) effects have attracted
widespread attention due to their great application prospects. However, their realization is …
widespread attention due to their great application prospects. However, their realization is …
Highly sensitive detection of malignant glioma cells using metamaterial-inspired THz biosensor based on electromagnetically induced transparency
Metamaterial-inspired biosensors have been extensively studied recently years for fast and
low-cost THz detection. However, only the variation of the resonance frequency has been …
low-cost THz detection. However, only the variation of the resonance frequency has been …
Metallic plasmonic array structures: principles, fabrications, properties, and applications
The vast development of nanofabrication has spurred recent progress for the manipulation
of light down to a region much smaller than the wavelength. Metallic plasmonic array …
of light down to a region much smaller than the wavelength. Metallic plasmonic array …
Optical Analogs of Rabi Splitting in Integrated Waveguide‐Coupled Resonators
Realizing optical analogs of quantum phenomena in atomic, molecular, or condensed
matter physics has underpinned a range of photonic technologies. Rabi splitting is a …
matter physics has underpinned a range of photonic technologies. Rabi splitting is a …
Self-assembled skin-like metamaterials for dual-band camouflage
Skin-like soft optical metamaterials with broadband modulation have been long pursued for
practical applications, such as cloaking and camouflage. Here, we propose a skin-like …
practical applications, such as cloaking and camouflage. Here, we propose a skin-like …
Molecular plasmonics with metamaterials
Molecular plasmonics, the area which deals with the interactions between surface plasmons
and molecules, has received enormous interest in fundamental research and found …
and molecules, has received enormous interest in fundamental research and found …
Surface-enhanced infrared spectroscopy using resonant nanoantennas
Infrared spectroscopy is a powerful tool widely used in research and industry for a label-free
and unambiguous identification of molecular species. Inconveniently, its application to …
and unambiguous identification of molecular species. Inconveniently, its application to …
[HTML][HTML] Hyperbolic metamaterials: From dispersion manipulation to applications
Z Guo, H Jiang, H Chen - Journal of Applied Physics, 2020 - pubs.aip.org
Manipulating the properties of the isofrequency contours (IFCs) of materials provides a
powerful means of controlling the interaction between light and matter. Hyperbolic …
powerful means of controlling the interaction between light and matter. Hyperbolic …