Multiphase fluid-rock interactions and flow behaviors in shale nanopores: A comprehensive review
The complicated flow behaviors of multiphase fluids in shale reservoirs are significantly
influenced by fluid-fluid and fluid-rock interactions due to the non-negligible intermolecular …
influenced by fluid-fluid and fluid-rock interactions due to the non-negligible intermolecular …
[HTML][HTML] Nano biosensors: properties, applications and electrochemical techniques
A sensor is a tool used to directly measure the test compound (analyte) in a sample. Ideally,
such a device is capable of continuous and reversible response and should not damage the …
such a device is capable of continuous and reversible response and should not damage the …
Occurrence space and state of shale oil: A review
Shale oil is a promising alternative unconventional energy to conventional fossil fuels. Its
exploration and production are critical to improve the present energy consumption pattern …
exploration and production are critical to improve the present energy consumption pattern …
A review on shale oil and gas characteristics and molecular dynamics simulation for the fluid behavior in shale pore
Shale oil and gas primarily exist in nanoscale pore-fracture networks. Thus, it is essential to
clarify the flow behavior of hydrocarbon in confined nanopores. This paper summarizes …
clarify the flow behavior of hydrocarbon in confined nanopores. This paper summarizes …
Adsorption of tetracycline hydrochloride on layered double hydroxide loaded carbon nanotubes and site energy distribution analysis
C **a, H Huang, D Liang, Y **e, F Kong, Q Yang… - Chemical Engineering …, 2022 - Elsevier
In this study, a novel composite material of growing layered double hydroxides on carbon
nanotubes (LDH@ CNT) was prepared by in-situ method and possessed a favorable …
nanotubes (LDH@ CNT) was prepared by in-situ method and possessed a favorable …
Non-polynomial framework for stress and strain response of the FG-GPLRC disk using three-dimensional refined higher-order theory
This article presents a non-polynomial framework for bending responses of functionally
graded-graphene nanoplatelets composite reinforced (FG-GPLRC) disk based upon three …
graded-graphene nanoplatelets composite reinforced (FG-GPLRC) disk based upon three …
Melting process of nanoparticle enhanced PCM through storage cylinder incorporating fins
This paper discusses how the arrangement of fins can affect the charging process. Mixture of
paraffin and copper oxide nanomaterial has been utilized. Several configurations of fins with …
paraffin and copper oxide nanomaterial has been utilized. Several configurations of fins with …
Nanoparticles for phase change process of water utilizing FEM
Variations of needed time for full solidification with impose of fins and various sizes of
nanoparticles is main goal of current article. Not only the needed time values but also …
nanoparticles is main goal of current article. Not only the needed time values but also …
Molecular insights into carbon dioxide enhanced multi-component shale gas recovery and its sequestration in realistic kerogen
Understanding the governing processes of CO 2 huff-n-puff in shales is essential for
enhancing shale gas recovery and CO 2 sequestration. However, existing studies have not …
enhancing shale gas recovery and CO 2 sequestration. However, existing studies have not …
Pore-network modeling of flow in shale nanopores: Network structure, flow principles, and computational algorithms
Hydrocarbons in subsurface nanoporous media, such as shale, are promising energy
resources to compensate for the shortage of conventional reservoirs. Pore-network …
resources to compensate for the shortage of conventional reservoirs. Pore-network …