[หนังสือ][B] Tensor analysis: spectral theory and special tensors

L Qi, Z Luo - 2017 - SIAM
Matrix theory is one of the most fundamental tools of mathematics and science, and a
number of classical books on matrix analysis have been written to explore this theory. As a …

Stability of ecological systems: A theoretical review

C Chen, XW Wang, YY Liu - Physics Reports, 2024 - Elsevier
The stability of ecological systems is a fundamental concept in ecology, which offers
profound insights into species coexistence, biodiversity, and community persistence. In this …

The effect of smooth parametrizations on nonconvex optimization landscapes

E Levin, J Kileel, N Boumal - Mathematical Programming, 2024 - Springer
We develop new tools to study landscapes in nonconvex optimization. Given one
optimization problem, we pair it with another by smoothly parametrizing the domain. This is …

Introducing hypergraph signal processing: Theoretical foundation and practical applications

S Zhang, Z Ding, S Cui - IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Signal processing over graphs has recently attracted significant attention for dealing with the
structured data. Normal graphs, however, only model pairwise relationships between nodes …

Community detection in general hypergraph via graph embedding

Y Zhen, J Wang - Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Conventional network data have largely focused on pairwise interactions between two
entities, yet multi-way interactions among multiple entities have been frequently observed in …

T-HGSP: Hypergraph signal processing using t-product tensor decompositions

K Pena-Pena, DL Lau, GR Arce - IEEE Transactions on Signal …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Graph signal processing (GSP) techniques are powerful tools that model complex
relationships within large datasets, being now used in a myriad of applications in different …

Algebraic representations for volumetric frame fields

D Palmer, D Bommes, J Solomon - ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 2020 - dl.acm.org
Field-guided parameterization methods have proven effective for quad meshing of surfaces;
these methods compute smooth cross fields to guide the meshing process and then …

How hard is the tensor rank?

Y Shitov - arxiv preprint arxiv:1611.01559, 2016 - arxiv.org
We investigate the computational complexity of tensor rank, a concept that plays
fundamental role in different topics of modern applied mathematics. For tensors over any …

Inference for low-rank tensors—no need to debias

D **a, AR Zhang, Y Zhou - The Annals of Statistics, 2022 - projecteuclid.org
Inference for low-rank tensors-no need to debias Page 1 The Annals of Statistics 2022, Vol. 50,
No. 2, 1220–1245 https://doi.org/10.1214/21-AOS2146 © Institute of Mathematical Statistics …

Power iteration for tensor PCA

J Huang, DZ Huang, Q Yang, G Cheng - Journal of Machine Learning …, 2022 - jmlr.org
In this paper, we study the power iteration algorithm for the asymmetric spiked tensor model,
as introduced in Richard and Montanari (2014). We give necessary and sufficient conditions …