Quantum many-body spin ratchets
Introducing a class of SU (2) invariant quantum unitary circuits generating chiral transport,
we examine the role of broken space-reflection and time-reversal symmetries on spin …
we examine the role of broken space-reflection and time-reversal symmetries on spin …
Krylov complexity and Trotter transitions in unitary circuit dynamics
We investigate many-body dynamics where the evolution is governed by unitary circuits
through the lens of “Krylov complexity,” a recently proposed measure of complexity and …
through the lens of “Krylov complexity,” a recently proposed measure of complexity and …
Dynamics of charge fluctuations from asymmetric initial states
Conserved-charge densities are very special observables in quantum many-body systems
as, by construction, they encode information about the dynamics. Therefore, their evolution …
as, by construction, they encode information about the dynamics. Therefore, their evolution …
Strong zero modes in integrable quantum circuits
It is a classic result that certain interacting integrable spin chains host robust edge modes
known as strong zero modes (SZMs). In this Letter, we extend this result to the Floquet …
known as strong zero modes (SZMs). In this Letter, we extend this result to the Floquet …
Integrable quantum circuits from the star-triangle relation
The star-triangle relation plays an important role in the realm of exactly solvable models,
offering exact results for classical two-dimensional statistical mechanical models. In this …
offering exact results for classical two-dimensional statistical mechanical models. In this …
Robust effective ground state in a nonintegrable Floquet quantum circuit
An external periodic (Floquet) drive is believed to bring any initial state to the featureless
infinite temperature state in generic nonintegrable isolated quantum many-body systems in …
infinite temperature state in generic nonintegrable isolated quantum many-body systems in …
Exact Spin Correlators of Integrable Quantum Circuits from Algebraic Geometry
We calculate the correlation functions of strings of spin operators for integrable quantum
circuits exactly. These observables can be used for calibration of quantum simulation …
circuits exactly. These observables can be used for calibration of quantum simulation …
Integrability is generic in homogeneous U (1)-invariant nearest-neighbor qubit circuits
Integrability is an exceptional property believed to hold only for systems with fine-tuned
parameters. Contrary, we explicitly show that in homogeneous nearest-neighbor qubit …
parameters. Contrary, we explicitly show that in homogeneous nearest-neighbor qubit …
Entanglement in dual unitary quantum circuits with impurities
Bipartite entanglement entropy is one of the most useful characterizations of universal
properties in a many-body quantum system. Far from equilibrium, there exist two highly …
properties in a many-body quantum system. Far from equilibrium, there exist two highly …
Dissipative variational quantum algorithms for Gibbs state preparation
In recent years, variational quantum algorithms have gained significant attention due to their
adaptability and efficiency on near-term quantum hardware. They have shown potential in a …
adaptability and efficiency on near-term quantum hardware. They have shown potential in a …