Membrane fouling by emulsified oil: A review

E Tummons, Q Han, HJ Tanudjaja, CA Hejase… - Separation and …, 2020 - Elsevier
Separation of liquid–liquid emulsions is a challenging problem that has gained importance
with the development of unconventional oil resources. Large volumes of water contaminated …

A review of membrane fouling by proteins in ultrafiltration and microfiltration

HJ Tanudjaja, A Anantharaman, AQQ Ng, Y Ma… - Journal of Water …, 2022 - Elsevier
Fouling of ultrafiltration (UF) and microfiltration (MF) membranes by proteins is a major
challenge in the bioprocessing and dairy industries, as well as in surface and wastewater …

Scale formation and control in high pressure membrane water treatment systems: A review

A Antony, JH Low, S Gray, AE Childress… - Journal of membrane …, 2011 - Elsevier
The nucleation and growth of inorganic scale on membrane surfaces is a problem shared by
operators of reverse osmosis systems. While suite of indicators exists to predict scale …

Bioprocess membrane technology

R van Reis, A Zydney - Journal of Membrane Science, 2007 - Elsevier
Membrane processes play a critical role in the purification of biotechnology products. Early
membrane systems were adopted from technology originally developed for other industrial …

Quantifying and reducing concentration polarization in reverse osmosis systems

W Bai, L Samineni, P Chirontoni, I Krupa, P Kasak… - Desalination, 2023 - Elsevier
Reverse osmosis (RO) is an efficient water purification technique because of its high
selectivity and permeability. During RO operation, rejection of solutes at the membrane …

A critical review of the application of electromagnetic fields for scaling control in water systems: mechanisms, characterization, and operation

L Lin, W Jiang, X Xu, P Xu - NPJ Clean Water, 2020 -
Scale deposits in water systems often result in ample technical and economic problems.
Conventional chemical treatments for scale control are expensive and may cause health …

The behavior of suspensions and macromolecular solutions in crossflow microfiltration: An update

JW Chew, J Kilduff, G Belfort - Journal of Membrane Science, 2020 - Elsevier
More than two decades after the highly-cited review on microfiltration of suspensions and
macromolecular solutions, it is time to revisit and update the fundamentals and applications …

A review of fouling indices and monitoring techniques for reverse osmosis

LN Sim, TH Chong, AH Taheri, STV Sim, L Lai… - Desalination, 2018 - Elsevier
This paper reviews the methods to monitor reverse osmosis (RO) membrane fouling, either
by characterizing the fouling potential of the feed or by detecting the fouling condition of the …

A review of in situ real-time monitoring techniques for membrane fouling in the biotechnology, biorefinery and food sectors

G Rudolph, T Virtanen, M Ferrando, C Güell… - Journal of Membrane …, 2019 - Elsevier
Pressure-driven membrane processes are often used for the separation and purification of
organic compounds originating from biomass. However, membrane fouling remains a …

Computational fluid dynamics applied to membranes: State of the art and opportunities

R Ghidossi, D Veyret, P Moulin - Chemical Engineering and Processing …, 2006 - Elsevier
Membrane filtration has become firmly established as a primary technology for ensuring the
purity, safety and/or efficiency of the treatment of water or effluents. In this paper, we review …