Coastal greening of grey infrastructure: an update on the state of the art
In the marine environment, greening of grey infrastructure (GGI) is a rapidly growing field
that attempts to encourage native marine life to colonise marine artificial structures to …
that attempts to encourage native marine life to colonise marine artificial structures to …
[HTML][HTML] Biodeterioration and bioprotection of concrete assets in the coastal environment
The deleterious effects (biodeterioration) and the protective benefits (bioprotection) of
biological colonisation on manmade structures have long been debated. Lichens, biofilms …
biological colonisation on manmade structures have long been debated. Lichens, biofilms …
Design catalogue for eco-engineering of coastal artificial structures: a multifunctional approach for stakeholders and end-users
Coastal urbanisation, energy extraction, food production, ship** and transportation have
led to the global proliferation of artificial structures within the coastal and marine …
led to the global proliferation of artificial structures within the coastal and marine …
Artificial shorelines lack natural structural complexity across scales
From microbes to humans, habitat structural complexity plays a direct role in the provision of
physical living space, and increased complexity supports higher biodiversity and ecosystem …
physical living space, and increased complexity supports higher biodiversity and ecosystem …
Eco-engineering of seawalls—an opportunity for enhanced climate resilience from increased topographic complexity
In the context of “green” approaches to coastal engineering, the term “eco-engineering” has
emerged in recent years to describe the incorporation of ecological concepts (including …
emerged in recent years to describe the incorporation of ecological concepts (including …
Making seawalls multifunctional: The positive effects of seeded bivalves and habitat structure on species diversity and filtration rates
The marine environment is being increasingly modified by the construction of artificial
structures, the impacts of which may be mitigated through eco-engineering. To date, eco …
structures, the impacts of which may be mitigated through eco-engineering. To date, eco …
Replicating natural topography on marine artificial structures–A novel approach to eco-engineering
Ocean sprawl is a growing threat to marine and coastal ecosystems globally, with wide-
ranging consequences for natural habitats and species. Artificial structures built in the …
ranging consequences for natural habitats and species. Artificial structures built in the …
The elephant in the room: Introduced species also profit from refuge creation by artificial fish habitats
Increasingly, ecological rehabilitation is envisioned to mitigate and revert impacts of ocean
sprawl on coastal marine biodiversity. While in the past studies have demonstrated the …
sprawl on coastal marine biodiversity. While in the past studies have demonstrated the …
Sea level rise in Europe: Observations and projections
Sea level rise (SLR) is a major concern for Europe, where 30 million people live in the
historical 1-in-100-year event flood coastal plains. The latest IPCC assessment reports …
historical 1-in-100-year event flood coastal plains. The latest IPCC assessment reports …
The use of environmental DNA metabarcoding and quantitative PCR for molecular detection of marine invasive non-native species associated with artificial structures
Artificial coastal structures associated with coastal defences, energy generation, ports,
marinas and other developments, are known to support lower levels of biodiversity than …
marinas and other developments, are known to support lower levels of biodiversity than …