Physics-based fluid simulation in computer graphics: Survey, research trends, and challenges
Physics-based fluid simulation has played an increasingly important role in the computer
graphics community. Recent methods in this area have greatly improved the generation of …
graphics community. Recent methods in this area have greatly improved the generation of …
Videophy: Evaluating physical commonsense for video generation
Recent advances in internet-scale video data pretraining have led to the development of text-
to-video generative models that can create high-quality videos across a broad range of …
to-video generative models that can create high-quality videos across a broad range of …
Guaranteed conservation of momentum for learning particle-based fluid dynamics
We present a novel method for guaranteeing linear momentum in learned physics
simulations. Unlike existing methods, we enforce conservation of momentum with a hard …
simulations. Unlike existing methods, we enforce conservation of momentum with a hard …
Learning meaningful controls for fluids
While modern fluid simulation methods achieve high-quality simulation results, it is still a big
challenge to interpret and control motion from visual quantities, such as the advected marker …
challenge to interpret and control motion from visual quantities, such as the advected marker …
Lagrangian neural style transfer for fluids
Artistically controlling the shape, motion and appearance of fluid simulations pose major
challenges in visual effects production. In this paper, we present a neural style transfer …
challenges in visual effects production. In this paper, we present a neural style transfer …
PySPH: a Python-based framework for smoothed particle hydrodynamics
PySPH is an open-source, Python-based, framework for particle methods in general and
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) in particular. PySPH allows a user to define a …
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) in particular. PySPH allows a user to define a …
A fast unsmoothed aggregation algebraic multigrid framework for the large-scale simulation of incompressible flow
Multigrid methods are quite efficient for solving the pressure Poisson equation in simulations
of incompressible flow. However, for viscous liquids, geometric multigrid turned out to be …
of incompressible flow. However, for viscous liquids, geometric multigrid turned out to be …
An implicit compressible SPH solver for snow simulation
Snow is a complex material. It resists elastic normal and shear deformations, while some
deformations are plastic. Snow can deform and break. It can be significantly compressed …
deformations are plastic. Snow can deform and break. It can be significantly compressed …
The power particle-in-cell method
This paper introduces a new weighting scheme for particle-grid transfers that generates
hybrid Lagrangian/Eulerian fluid simulations with uniform particle distributions and precise …
hybrid Lagrangian/Eulerian fluid simulations with uniform particle distributions and precise …
SPH crowds: Agent-based crowd simulation up to extreme densities using fluid dynamics
In highly dense crowds of humans, collisions between people occur often. It is common to
simulate such a crowd as one fluid-like entity (macroscopic), and not as a set of individuals …
simulate such a crowd as one fluid-like entity (macroscopic), and not as a set of individuals …