Biogeography-based optimization: a 10-year review
Biogeography-based optimization (BBO) is an evolutionary algorithm which is inspired by
the migration of species between habitats. Almost 10 years have passed since the first BBO …
the migration of species between habitats. Almost 10 years have passed since the first BBO …
Biogeography-based optimization
D Simon - IEEE transactions on evolutionary computation, 2008 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Biogeography is the study of the geographical distribution of biological organisms.
Mathematical equations that govern the distribution of organisms were first discovered and …
Mathematical equations that govern the distribution of organisms were first discovered and …
Biogeography-based optimisation with chaos
The biogeography-based optimisation (BBO) algorithm is a novel evolutionary algorithm
inspired by biogeography. Similarly, to other evolutionary algorithms, entrapment in local …
inspired by biogeography. Similarly, to other evolutionary algorithms, entrapment in local …
Oppositional biogeography-based optimization
We propose a novel variation to biogeography-based optimization (BBO), which is an
evolutionary algorithm (EA) developed for global optimization. The new algorithm employs …
evolutionary algorithm (EA) developed for global optimization. The new algorithm employs …
Blended biogeography-based optimization for constrained optimization
Biogeography-based optimization (BBO) is a new evolutionary optimization method that is
based on the science of biogeography. We propose two extensions to BBO. First, we …
based on the science of biogeography. We propose two extensions to BBO. First, we …
Novel knacks of chaotic maps with Archimedes optimization paradigm for nonlinear ARX model identification with key term separation
Archimedes' optimization algorithm (AOA) is a recently proposed physics-based optimization
algorithm inspired by Archimedes' Principle. However, for optimization of complex …
algorithm inspired by Archimedes' Principle. However, for optimization of complex …
An analysis of the equilibrium of migration models for biogeography-based optimization
Motivated by the migration mechanisms of ecosystems, various extensions to biogeography-
based optimization (BBO) are proposed here. As a global optimization method, BBO is an …
based optimization (BBO) are proposed here. As a global optimization method, BBO is an …
Optimization of an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system for groundwater potential map**
The main goal of this study was to optimize an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system
(ANFIS) using three meta-heuristic optimization algorithms—genetic algorithm (GA) …
(ANFIS) using three meta-heuristic optimization algorithms—genetic algorithm (GA) …
Using ensembles of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system and optimization algorithms to predict reference evapotranspiration in subtropical climatic zones
Accurate prediction of reference evapotranspiration (ET 0) is essential for efficient planning
and management of limited water resources through proper irrigation scheduling. The FAO …
and management of limited water resources through proper irrigation scheduling. The FAO …
Optimization algorithms as training approaches for prediction of reference evapotranspiration using adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system
Abstract Reference evapotranspiration (ET 0), widely used in efficient and meaningful
scheduling of irrigation events, is an essential component of agricultural water management …
scheduling of irrigation events, is an essential component of agricultural water management …