Improving imaging and repeatability on land using virtual source redatuming with shallow buried receivers

D Alexandrov, A Bakulin, R Burnstad… - …, 2015 -
Time-lapse surface seismic monitoring typically suffers from different sources of
nonrepeatability related to acquisition imperfections as well as due to complexity of the …

Inversion of controlled-source electromagnetic reflection responses

J Hunziker, J Thorbecke, J Brackenhoff… - …, 2016 -
Marine controlled-source electromagnetic reflection responses can be retrieved by
interferometry. These reflection responses are free of effects related to the water layer and …

Preliminary study on phased controlled electromagnetic method

DQ LI - Progress in Geophysics, 2024 -
Electromagnetic wave has both dynamic (amplitude) and kinematic (phase) properties.
There were 3 main limitations in the excitation source research of Controlled Source …

Research on 3D marine electromagnetic interferometry with synthetic sources for suppressing the airwave interference

JG Zhang, X Wu, YZ Qi, L Huang, GY Fang - Applied Geophysics, 2013 - Springer
In order to suppress the airwave noise in marine controlled-source electromagnetic (CSEM)
data, we propose a 3D deconvolution (3DD) interferometry method with a synthetic aperture …

Downhole interferometric illumination diagnosis and balancing

J van der Neut - Geophysical Prospecting, 2013 -
With seismic interferometry or the virtual source method, controlled sources can be
redatumed from the Earth's surface to generate so‐called virtual sources at downhole …

Quantifying the effect of the air/water interface in marine active source EM

D Wright - Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2015 - Elsevier
The marine controlled source EM surveying method has become an accepted tool for deep
water exploration for oil and gas reserves. In shallow water (< 500 m) data are complicated …

Shallow virtual source redatuming by multi‐dimensional deconvolution

J van der Neut, D Alexandrov, A Bakulin - Geophysical Prospecting, 2015 -
Recently, new on‐shore acquisition designs have been presented with multi‐component
sensors deployed in the shallow sub‐surface (20 m–60 m). Virtual source redatuming has …

Electromagnetic interferometry in wavenumber and space domains in a layered earth

J Hunziker, E Slob, Y Fan, R Snieder… - …, 2013 -
With interferometry applied to controlled-source electromagnetic data, the direct field and the
airwave and all other effects related to the air-water interface can be suppressed in a data …

[PDF][PDF] 3D marine Controlled-Source Electromagnetic Interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution in the wavenumber domain for a sparse receiver grid

J Hunziker, E Slob, Y Fan, R Snieder, K Wapenaar -
With interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution (MDD), the medium above the
receivers is replaced by a homogeneous halfspace of the same material as at the receiver …

[PDF][PDF] Source-receiver wavefield interferometry in scattering media

K Löer - 2015 -
Seismic or wavefield interferometry refers to a set of methods that synthesize wavefields
between pairs of receivers, pairs of sources, or a source and a receiver, using wavefields …