Conserving mobile species

CA Runge, TG Martin, HP Possingham… - Frontiers in Ecology …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
The distributions of many species are dynamic in space and time, and movements made by
individuals range from regular and predictable migrations to erratic, resource‐driven …

Long‐range seasonal migration in insects: mechanisms, evolutionary drivers and ecological consequences

JW Chapman, DR Reynolds, K Wilson - Ecology letters, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Myriad tiny insect species take to the air to engage in windborne migration, but entomology
also has its 'charismatic megafauna'of butterflies, large moths, dragonflies and locusts. The …

Migration in butterflies: a global overview

S Chowdhury, RA Fuller, H Dingle… - Biological …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Insect populations including butterflies are declining worldwide, and they are becoming an
urgent conservation priority in many regions. Understanding which butterfly species migrate …

[KNJIGA][B] Wildlife ecology, conservation, and management

JM Fryxell, ARE Sinclair, G Caughley - 2014 -
To understand modern principles of sustainable management and the conservation of
wildlife species requires intimate knowledge about demography, animal behavior, and …

Unravelling the annual cycle in a migratory animal: breeding‐season habitat loss drives population declines of monarch butterflies

DTT Flockhart, JB Pichancourt… - Journal of Animal …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Threats to migratory animals can occur at multiple periods of the annual cycle that are
separated by thousands of kilometres and span international borders. Populations of the …

Using ocean models to predict spatial and temporal variation in marine carbon isotopes

S Magozzi, A Yool, HB Vander Zanden… - …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Natural‐abundance stable isotope ratios provide a wealth of ecological information relating
to food web structure, trophic level, and location. The correct interpretation of stable isotope …

Restoring monarch butterfly habitat in the Midwestern US:'all hands on deck'

WE Thogmartin, L López-Hoffman… - Environmental …, 2017 -
The eastern migratory population of monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus plexippus) has
declined by> 80% within the last two decades. One possible cause of this decline is the loss …

Triple sulfur-oxygen-strontium isotopes probabilistic geographic assignment of archaeological remains using a novel sulfur isoscape of western Europe

CP Bataille, K Jaouen, S Milano, M Trost… - PLoS …, 2021 -
Sulfur isotope composition of organic tissues is a commonly used tool for gathering
information about provenance and diet in archaeology and paleoecology. However, the lack …

Demystifying monarch butterfly migration

SM Reppert, JC de Roode - Current Biology, 2018 -
Every fall, millions of North American monarch butterflies undergo a stunning long-distance
migration to reach their overwintering grounds in Mexico. Migration allows the butterflies to …

Stable isotope tracers: Enriching our perspectives and questions on sources, fates, rates, and pathways of major elements in aquatic systems

PM Glibert, JJ Middelburg… - Limnology and …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Stable isotope applications have evolved from simple characterizations of isotope
composition in organisms and organic matter, to highly complex methodologies on scales …