A portrait of gender bias in the prescribed Indonesian ELT textbook for junior high school students
S Ariyanto - Sexuality & culture, 2018 - Springer
In recent decades, gender in language education has been discussed and studied.
Textbooks play a critical role in canalizing particular gender ideologies or values. ELT …
Textbooks play a critical role in canalizing particular gender ideologies or values. ELT …
Multidimensional perspectives on gender in Dutch language education: Textbooks and teacher talk
D Koster, L Litosseliti - Linguistics and Education, 2021 - Elsevier
The language classroom offers a rich environment for deconstructing language-and culture-
specific gender and sexuality models in action. The present study responds to calls for …
specific gender and sexuality models in action. The present study responds to calls for …
Are males and females still portrayed stereotypically? Visual analyses of gender in two Hong Kong primary English Language textbook series
CCR Yang - Gender and Education, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
The present study examines how gender is represented in the visuals (or illustrations) of two
English Language textbook series used in most primary schools in Hong Kong. Instead of …
English Language textbook series used in most primary schools in Hong Kong. Instead of …
Gender representation in learning materials
S Mills, A Mustapha - International perspectives, 2015 - api.taylorfrancis.com
'This collection of various representations of gender found in English Language Learning
textbooks is a rich one with a new theoretical visions to the field as well as fresh explorations …
textbooks is a rich one with a new theoretical visions to the field as well as fresh explorations …
Gender representation in EFL textbooks: A case of ILI pre-intermediate series
S Jannati - Journal of Applied Linguistics and Language Research, 2015 - jallr.com
In textbooks, language functions as an ideology maker and social role determiner that lead
sociolinguists to uncover reflection of gender roles and stereotypes. Numerous studies have …
sociolinguists to uncover reflection of gender roles and stereotypes. Numerous studies have …
Representasi Gender dalam Buku Teks Tematik Terpadu Siswa Sekolah Dasar
Bahasa berfungsi sebagai pembentuk ideologi dan penentu peran sosial dan salah satunya
mengungkapkan peran gender. Pendidikan merupakan salah satu sarana untuk …
mengungkapkan peran gender. Pendidikan merupakan salah satu sarana untuk …
Teachers' perceptions of gender representation in textbooks: insights from Sindh, Pakistan
Gender representation in textbooks is of core importance in the classroom as textbooks are
at the centre of the classroom in public sector schools in Sindh, Pakistan. This paper …
at the centre of the classroom in public sector schools in Sindh, Pakistan. This paper …
[PDF][PDF] Gender Stereotypes and Bias in English Language School Textbooks: Reflection from Literature Review across Different Countries
Textbooks significantly influence student learning, sha** values, beliefs, and cultural
views. They convey gender roles, social norms, and biases, making it crucial to create …
views. They convey gender roles, social norms, and biases, making it crucial to create …
Revealing Gender Bias on ELT Textbook: A Critical Discourse Analysis
F Wijayanti, AH Miqawati… - … Conference on Social …, 2022 - atlantis-press.com
There would be long efforts done by the government to eliminate gender inequality in
education. These efforts emphasize on building positive images on female and male …
education. These efforts emphasize on building positive images on female and male …
The role of university education in changing the gender role perceptions of Turkish ELT student teachers
İ Kızılaslan, İÖ Diktaş - International Online Journal of Educational …, 2024 - iojes.net
Despite recent improvements in demographics and educational outcomes, it is still the case
that traditional expectations and attitudes toward gender roles in the Turkish society have …
that traditional expectations and attitudes toward gender roles in the Turkish society have …