Biology and management of the Japanese beetle
▪ Abstract The Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica Newman, an introduced scarab, has
become the most widespread and destructive insect pest of turf, landscapes, and nursery …
become the most widespread and destructive insect pest of turf, landscapes, and nursery …
Popillia japonica – Italian outbreak management
P Gotta, M Ciampitti, B Cavagna, G Bosio… - Frontiers in Insect …, 2023 - frontiersin.org
Popillia japonica, a priority pest for the EU, was first detected in Northern Italy in 2014. Since
its discovery, the outbreak extended over an area of more than 16,000 square kilometers in …
its discovery, the outbreak extended over an area of more than 16,000 square kilometers in …
Japanese beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) invasion of North America: history, ecology, and management
Abstract The Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica Newman, was accidentally introduced to
the United States from Asia in the early 1900s. First detected in a New Jersey nursery, it is …
the United States from Asia in the early 1900s. First detected in a New Jersey nursery, it is …
[KIRJA][B] Handbook of turfgrass management and physiology
M Pessarakli - 2007 - taylorfrancis.com
A multibillion dollar industry that has tripled in the last ten years, turfgrass management
plays an important role in landsca**, golf courses, and other sports surfaces. Proper …
plays an important role in landsca**, golf courses, and other sports surfaces. Proper …
Biology and management of Japanese beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in corn and soybean
Abstract Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica Newman, is an invasive insect to the United
States. This beetle was first discovered in New Jersey in the early 1900s and has since …
States. This beetle was first discovered in New Jersey in the early 1900s and has since …
Prospects for managing turfgrass pests with reduced chemical inputs
Turfgrass culture, a multibillion dollar industry in the United States, poses unique challenges
for integrated pest management. Why insect control on lawns, golf courses, and sport fields …
for integrated pest management. Why insect control on lawns, golf courses, and sport fields …
Neoichnological experiments with masked chafer beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae): implications for backfilled continental trace fossils
Laboratory experiments conducted with larvae and adults of the northern or southern
masked chafer beetle (Scarabaeidae: Cyclocephala lurida or C. borealis) tested hypotheses …
masked chafer beetle (Scarabaeidae: Cyclocephala lurida or C. borealis) tested hypotheses …
[HTML][HTML] Invasive Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica Newman) larvae alter structure and carbon distribution in infested surface soil
Invasive macrofauna influence the biophysical state and function of soil, hel** to drive
ecological changes over time. Many soil-dwelling invertebrates affect soil stability by …
ecological changes over time. Many soil-dwelling invertebrates affect soil stability by …
Exploring the main factors influencing habitat preference of Popillia japonica in an area of recent introduction
The possibility of establishment of an invasive species in an area of new introduction is
influenced by several factors, including weather conditions, soil characteristics, and species …
influenced by several factors, including weather conditions, soil characteristics, and species …
Пространственная экология почвенных животных
АД Покаржевский, КБ Гонгальский, АС Зайцев… - 2007 - elibrary.ru
Монография посвящена пространственному распределению почвенных животных на
разных уровнях разрешения: исследуемой точки, биогеоценоза, ландшафта, региона …
разных уровнях разрешения: исследуемой точки, биогеоценоза, ландшафта, региона …