Plant cell wall extensibility: connecting plant cell growth with cell wall structure, mechanics, and the action of wall-modifying enzymes
DJ Cosgrove - Journal of experimental botany, 2016 -
The advent of user-friendly instruments for measuring force/deflection curves of plant
surfaces at high spatial resolution has resulted in a recent outpouring of reports of the …
surfaces at high spatial resolution has resulted in a recent outpouring of reports of the …
Molecular mechanisms of leaf morphogenesis
F Du, C Guan, Y Jiao - Molecular plant, 2018 -
Plants maintain the ability to form lateral appendages throughout their life cycle and form
leaves as the principal lateral appendages of the stem. Leaves initiate at the peripheral zone …
leaves as the principal lateral appendages of the stem. Leaves initiate at the peripheral zone …
Low phosphate activates STOP1-ALMT1 to rapidly inhibit root cell elongation
C Balzergue, T Dartevelle, C Godon, E Laugier… - Nature …, 2017 -
Environmental cues profoundly modulate cell proliferation and cell elongation to inform and
direct plant growth and development. External phosphate (Pi) limitation inhibits primary root …
direct plant growth and development. External phosphate (Pi) limitation inhibits primary root …
Investigating cell mechanics with atomic force microscopy
Transmission of mechanical force is crucial for normal cell development and functioning.
However, the process of mechanotransduction cannot be studied in isolation from cell …
However, the process of mechanotransduction cannot be studied in isolation from cell …
Silica nanoparticles inhibit arsenic uptake into rice suspension cells via improving pectin synthesis and the mechanical force of the cell wall
Our previous studies indicated that the foliar application of silica nanoparticles (SiO2 NPs)
could obviously reduce arsenic (As) accumulation in rice. However, the mechanism …
could obviously reduce arsenic (As) accumulation in rice. However, the mechanism …
Subcellular and supracellular mechanical stress prescribes cytoskeleton behavior in Arabidopsis cotyledon pavement cells
Although it is a central question in biology, how cell shape controls intracellular dynamics
largely remains an open question. Here, we show that the shape of Arabidopsis pavement …
largely remains an open question. Here, we show that the shape of Arabidopsis pavement …
Connecting homogalacturonan-type pectin remodeling to acid growth
L Hocq, J Pelloux, V Lefebvre - Trends in plant science, 2017 -
According to the 'acid growth theory', cell wall acidification controls cell elongation, therefore
plant growth. This notably involves changes in cell wall mechanics through modifications of …
plant growth. This notably involves changes in cell wall mechanics through modifications of …
Leaf development and morphogenesis
The development of plant leaves follows a common basic program that is flexible and is
adjusted according to species, developmental stage and environmental circumstances …
adjusted according to species, developmental stage and environmental circumstances …
Elastic domains regulate growth and organogenesis in the plant shoot apical meristem
Although genetic control of morphogenesis is well established, elaboration of complex
shapes requires changes in the mechanical properties of cells. In plants, the first visible sign …
shapes requires changes in the mechanical properties of cells. In plants, the first visible sign …
Slow, fast and furious: understanding the physics of plant movements
Y Forterre - Journal of experimental botany, 2013 -
The ability of plants to move is central to many physiological processes from development to
tropisms, from nutrition to reproduction. The movement of plants or plant parts occurs over a …
tropisms, from nutrition to reproduction. The movement of plants or plant parts occurs over a …