Spatiotemporal variability of soil nutrients and the responses of growth during growth stages of winter wheat in northern China
B Su, G Zhao, C Dong - PloS one, 2018 - journals.plos.org
Studying soil nutrient variability and its effect on the growth and development of crops under
a traditional tillage mode is the foundation for comprehensively implementing precision …
a traditional tillage mode is the foundation for comprehensively implementing precision …
Between and within paddock soil chemical variability and forage production gradients in grazed dairy pastures
SR Aarons, CJP Gourley, MC Hannah - Nutrient Cycling in …, 2015 - Springer
Soil chemical properties are likely to be unevenly distributed within grazed dairy farms.
Paddocks that dairy cows graze more frequently, or parts of paddocks that they regularly visit …
Paddocks that dairy cows graze more frequently, or parts of paddocks that they regularly visit …
[HTML][HTML] Spatial and Temporal Variability of the Microbiological and Chemical Properties of Soils under Wheat and Oilseed Rape Cultivation
A Grzyb, A Wolna-Maruwka, R Łukowiak, J Ceglarek - Agronomy, 2022 - mdpi.com
The size of the microbial biomass and the activity of soil enzymes are among the most
sensitive indicators of agricultural land quality. The aim of this study was to determine the …
sensitive indicators of agricultural land quality. The aim of this study was to determine the …
Phosphorus variability in the irrigated cropland during a growing season
Understanding spatial and temporal variation of soil phosphorus (P) in agricultural fields is
challenging. Variation in P levels across a field can impact crop yield. The aim of this study …
challenging. Variation in P levels across a field can impact crop yield. The aim of this study …
[PDF][PDF] Inter-structural Space Effect of Fanyajuu and Soil Bund Soil and Water Conservation Structures on Selected Soil Properties: In the Case of Habru District
M Bogale, A Regassa, A Tilahun - North Ethiopia, 2020 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Land degradation is one of the most serious environmental problems in Ethiopia. To halt the
problem, large scale soil and water conservation (SWC) practices such as; fanya juu, soil …
problem, large scale soil and water conservation (SWC) practices such as; fanya juu, soil …
Spatio-temporal variability of soil nutrients and the responses of growth during growth stages of winter wheat in the north of China
S Bao-wei, Z Geng-xing, D Chao - bioRxiv, 2018 - biorxiv.org
Study on soil nutrient variability and its effect on the growth and development of crop under
traditional tillage mode is the foundation to comprehensively implement the precision …
traditional tillage mode is the foundation to comprehensively implement the precision …
Management intensity modifies plant diversity effects on N yield and mineral N in soil
The effect of species loss on productivity were of comparable magnitude to changes in
agricultural management. However, not only productivity but also the N cycle is relevant for …
agricultural management. However, not only productivity but also the N cycle is relevant for …
Statistical and In-field Challenges Involved in Quantifying Crop Nitrogen Use Efficiency (NUE) and Spatial Soil Fertility in Central Alberta
M Jamil - 2020 - era.library.ualberta.ca
Modern agriculture faces the conundrum of a looming threat of food scarcity and heightened
pressure on natural resources to address and sustain increasing food demand. Improving …
pressure on natural resources to address and sustain increasing food demand. Improving …
Interdependence relationships between agrochemical indices for characterization an agricultural land
P SĂRĂCUȚ, S Florin - AgroLife Scientific Journal, 2020 - agrolifejournal.usamv.ro
This study evaluated the relationship of interdependence between agrochemical indices of
the soil in the pedoclimatic conditions of Beregsău area, Timiș County, Romania. The …
the soil in the pedoclimatic conditions of Beregsău area, Timiș County, Romania. The …
[PDF][PDF] Ecosystem services to and from North American arid grasslands
K Havstad - IV Simposio Internacional de Pastizales. San Luis …, 2007 - conabio.gob.mx
For four years, the “Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y
Pecuarias”(INIFAP) in México, has developed projects in San Luis Potosí, México, related …
Pecuarias”(INIFAP) in México, has developed projects in San Luis Potosí, México, related …