Experimental perspective on three-dimensional topological semimetals

BQ Lv, T Qian, H Ding - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2021 - APS
Topological semimetals (TSMs) are characterized by bulk band crossings in their electronic
structures, which are expected to give rise to gapless electronic excitations and topological …

Colloquium: Topological band theory

A Bansil, H Lin, T Das - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2016 - APS
The first-principles band theory paradigm has been a key player not only in the process of
discovering new classes of topologically interesting materials, but also for identifying salient …

Transport of topological semimetals

J Hu, SY Xu, N Ni, Z Mao - Annual Review of Materials Research, 2019 - annualreviews.org
Three-dimensional (3D) topological semimetals represent a new class of topological
matters. The study of this family of materials has been at the frontiers of condensed matter …

Topological nodal line semimetals in the family of materials

Q Xu, R Yu, Z Fang, X Dai, H Weng - Physical Review B, 2017 - APS
By using first-principles calculations and ak· p model analysis, we propose that the three-
dimensional topological nodal line semimetal state can be realized in the CaP 3 family of …

3D Dirac semimetal : A review of material properties

I Crassee, R Sankar, WL Lee, A Akrap, M Orlita - Physical Review Materials, 2018 - APS
Cadmium arsenide (Cd 3 As 2), a time-honored and widely explored material in solid-state
physics, has recently attracted considerable attention. This was triggered by a theoretical …

Topological nodal line semimetals predicted from first-principles calculations

R Yu, Z Fang, X Dai, H Weng - Frontiers of Physics, 2017 - Springer
Topological semimetals are newly discovered states of quantum matter, which have
extended the concept of topological states from insulators to metals and attracted great …

Topological node-line semimetal in compressed black phosphorus

J Zhao, R Yu, H Weng, Z Fang - Physical Review B, 2016 - APS
Based on first-principles calculations and tight-binding model analysis, we propose that
black phosphorus (BP) can host a three-dimensional topological node-line semimetal state …

Two-dimensional node-line semimetals in a honeycomb-kagome lattice

JL Lu, W Luo, XY Li, SQ Yang, JX Cao… - Chinese Physics …, 2017 - iopscience.iop.org
Recently, the concept of topological insulators has been generalized to topological
semimetals, including three-dimensional (3D) Weyl semimetals, 3D Dirac semimetals, and …

Revealing the topology of Fermi-surface wave functions from magnetic quantum oscillations

A Alexandradinata, C Wang, W Duan, L Glazman - Physical Review X, 2018 - APS
The modern semiclassical theory of a Bloch electron in a magnetic field now encompasses
the orbital magnetic moment and the geometric phase. These two notions are encoded in …

Observation of a two-dimensional Fermi surface and Dirac dispersion in

R Kealhofer, S Jang, SM Griffin, C John, KA Benavides… - Physical Review B, 2018 - APS
We present the crystal structure, electronic structure, and transport properties of the material
YbMnSb 2, a candidate system for the investigation of Dirac physics in the presence of …