Bibliometric analysis of scientific literacy using VOS viewer: Analysis of science education
Scientific literacy is a person's ability to use scientific knowledge and processes to
understand scientific phenomena in solving problems or making decisions. The purpose of …
understand scientific phenomena in solving problems or making decisions. The purpose of …
Ethnoscience learning on science literacy of physics material to support environment: A meta-analysis research
Recently, Ethnoscience learning has become the focus of researchers in various regions. It
provides a mixed-nuance of culture and science. This learning is a breakthrough in the …
provides a mixed-nuance of culture and science. This learning is a breakthrough in the …
Meta-analisis: Pengaruh soal HOTS (higher order thinking skill) terhadap kemampuan literasi sains dan lesson study siswa pada materi ekologi dan lingkungan pada …
Perkembangan abad-21 telah memberikan dampak yang sangat besar terhadap kegiatan
belajar siswa. Akan tetapi siswa dituntut memiliki ketrampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi. Siswa …
belajar siswa. Akan tetapi siswa dituntut memiliki ketrampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi. Siswa …
STEAM and Environment on students' creative-thinking skills: A meta-analysis study
In the 21 st-century, learning based on Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and
Mathematics (STEAM) has been increasingly popular, especially in learning physics at …
Mathematics (STEAM) has been increasingly popular, especially in learning physics at …
[PDF][PDF] DIFMOL: Indonesian students' Hots and environmental education model during COVID-19
Flood issues will become aggrevated during the COVID-19 pandemic and solutions,
especially in environmental education, must be developed to provide relief to affected …
especially in environmental education, must be developed to provide relief to affected …
[PDF][PDF] Ethnoscience-based physical science learning and its effects on students' critical thinking skills: A meta-analysis study
Accepted: 11 Sep. 2023 This research aimed to ascertain the effects of ethnoscience-based
instruction on students' critical thinking skills in learning physical science using a meta …
instruction on students' critical thinking skills in learning physical science using a meta …
[HTML][HTML] The development of group healing storytelling model in multicultural counselling services in Indonesian schools: Examination of disciplinary cases
Introduction. Discipline is a form of behaviour reflecting responsibility in a person and is
essential to be applied to students. However, in reality, many students commit disciplinary …
essential to be applied to students. However, in reality, many students commit disciplinary …
Analysis of Science Subject Evaluation Instruments in Elementary Schools Based on Stimulus Types and Cognitive Process Dimensions
Students' critical thinking skills in Indonesia are still low, even though these skills are
needed in the 21st century. Critical thinking skills must be learned at an early age. One of …
needed in the 21st century. Critical thinking skills must be learned at an early age. One of …
STEAM in environment and science education: Analysis and bibliometric map** of the research literature (2013-2020)
The suitability of the science-arts convergence is currently being actively discussed because
it is important in educating students to become more creative and knowledgeable people …
it is important in educating students to become more creative and knowledgeable people …
Disaster mitigation education in the COVID-19 pandemic: A case study in Indonesia
Disaster mitigation education—even during the current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic—
must be carried out to face the problem of flooding. It can be argued that the worst impacts of …
must be carried out to face the problem of flooding. It can be argued that the worst impacts of …