[HTML][HTML] Mechanistic insights into photodegradation of organic dyes using heterostructure photocatalysts
Due to its low cost, environmentally friendly process, and lack of secondary contamination,
the photodegradation of dyes is regarded as a promising technology for industrial …
the photodegradation of dyes is regarded as a promising technology for industrial …
Recent developments in heterogeneous photocatalytic water treatment using visible light-responsive photocatalysts: a review
S Dong, J Feng, M Fan, Y Pi, L Hu, X Han, M Liu… - Rsc Advances, 2015 - pubs.rsc.org
Visible light-responsive photocatalytic technology holds great potential in water treatment to
enhance purification efficiency, as well as to augment water supply through the safe usage …
enhance purification efficiency, as well as to augment water supply through the safe usage …
[HTML][HTML] Metal phosphates for the design of advanced heterogeneous photocatalysts
Research in heterogeneous photocatalysis is burgeoning and rapidly evolving given the
benefits of performing demanding chemical transformations under mild conditions …
benefits of performing demanding chemical transformations under mild conditions …
Nanoparticulate functional materials
H Goesmann, C Feldmann - Angewandte Chemie International …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Nanoparticulate functional materials offer manifold perspectives for the increasing
miniaturization and complexity of technical developments. Nanoparticles also make a major …
miniaturization and complexity of technical developments. Nanoparticles also make a major …
Lamellar K2Co3 (P2O7) 2· 2H2O nanocrystal whiskers: High-performance flexible all-solid-state asymmetric micro-supercapacitors via inkjet printing
A flexible all-solid-state asymmetric micro-supercapacitor based on lamellar (K 2 Co 3 (P 2
O 7) 2· 2H 2 O) nanocrystal whiskers and graphene nanosheets was successfully fabricated …
O 7) 2· 2H 2 O) nanocrystal whiskers and graphene nanosheets was successfully fabricated …
Hydroxyapatite nano-and microcrystals with multiform morphologies: controllable synthesis and luminescence properties
C Zhang, J Yang, Z Quan, P Yang, C Li… - Crystal Growth and …, 2009 - ACS Publications
Hydroxyapatite (Ca5 (PO4) 3OH) nano-and microcrystals with multiform morphologies
(separated nanowires, nanorods, microspheres, microflowers, and microsheets) have been …
(separated nanowires, nanorods, microspheres, microflowers, and microsheets) have been …
Two-Step Sol−Gel Method-Based TiO2 Nanoparticles with Uniform Morphology and Size for Efficient Photo-Energy Conversion Devices
The performance of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) consisting of anatase TiO2
nanoparticles that were synthesized via a two-step sol− gel process was investigated using …
nanoparticles that were synthesized via a two-step sol− gel process was investigated using …
Hierarchical ZnS‐In2S3‐CuS Nanospheres with Nanoporous Structure: Facile Synthesis, Growth Mechanism, and Excellent Photocatalytic Activity
Y Li, G Chen, Q Wang, X Wang… - Advanced Functional …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Without using any templates or surfactants, hierarchical ZnS‐In2S3‐CuS nanospheres with
nanoporous structure are successfully synthesized via a simple and convenient process …
nanoporous structure are successfully synthesized via a simple and convenient process …
Photochemical preparation of Cd/CdS photocatalysts and their efficient photocatalytic hydrogen production under visible light irradiation
Q Wang, J Li, Y Bai, J Lian, H Huang, Z Li, Z Lei… - Green …, 2014 - pubs.rsc.org
Metal Cd can serve as an analogue of cocatalysts loaded on CdS to separate electrons and
holes to significantly enhance the efficiency of CdS photocatalytic hydrogen production. A …
holes to significantly enhance the efficiency of CdS photocatalytic hydrogen production. A …
A review of BiPO 4, a highly efficient oxyacid-type photocatalyst, used for environmental applications
C Pan, Y Zhu - Catalysis Science & Technology, 2015 - pubs.rsc.org
Semiconductor photocatalysts used for environmental applications have attracted a lot of
attention due to their ability to completely convert pollutants into CO2 and H2O. For a simple …
attention due to their ability to completely convert pollutants into CO2 and H2O. For a simple …