Water models for biomolecular simulations
Modern simulation and modeling approaches to investigation of biomolecular structure and
function rely heavily on a variety of methods—water models—to approximate the influence …
function rely heavily on a variety of methods—water models—to approximate the influence …
[HTML][HTML] Advanced sampling methods for multiscale simulation of disordered proteins and dynamic interactions
Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) are highly prevalent and play important roles in
biology and human diseases. It is now also recognized that many IDPs remain dynamic …
biology and human diseases. It is now also recognized that many IDPs remain dynamic …
Generalized Born Implicit Solvent Models Do Not Reproduce Secondary Structures of De Novo Designed Glu/Lys Peptides
We test a range of standard generalized Born (GB) models and protein force fields for a set
of five experimentally characterized, designed peptides comprising alternating blocks of …
of five experimentally characterized, designed peptides comprising alternating blocks of …
Improved computation of protein–protein relative binding energies with the Nwat-MMGBSA method
I Maffucci, A Contini - Journal of chemical information and …, 2016 - ACS Publications
A MMGBSA variant (here referred to as Nwat-MMGBSA), based on the inclusion of a certain
number of explicit water molecules (Nwat) during the calculations, has been tested on a set …
number of explicit water molecules (Nwat) during the calculations, has been tested on a set …
Investigation into the Binding Site of (-)-Spirobrassinin for Herbicidal Activity Using Molecular Docking and Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Y Wang, B Dong, D Wang, X Jia, Q Zhang, W Liu… - Applied Sciences, 2023 - mdpi.com
(-)-Spirobrassinin, a glucosinolate compound from Brassicaceae plants, has shown
inhibitory effects on weeds. However, its specific target sites are not well explored. This …
inhibitory effects on weeds. However, its specific target sites are not well explored. This …
Accelerated molecular dynamics for peptide folding: benchmarking different combinations of force fields and explicit solvent models
C Coppa, A Bazzoli, M Barkhordari… - Journal of chemical …, 2023 - ACS Publications
Accelerated molecular dynamics (aMD) protocols were assessed on predicting the
secondary structure of eight peptides, of which two are helical, three are β-hairpins, and …
secondary structure of eight peptides, of which two are helical, three are β-hairpins, and …
Assessing AMBER force fields for protein folding in an implicit solvent
Q Shao, W Zhu - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2018 - pubs.rsc.org
Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation implemented with a state-of-the-art protein force field
and implicit solvent model is an attractive approach to investigate protein folding, one of the …
and implicit solvent model is an attractive approach to investigate protein folding, one of the …
β-Hairpin mimics containing a piperidine–pyrrolidine scaffold modulate the β-amyloid aggregation process preserving the monomer species
S Pellegrino, N Tonali, E Erba, J Kaffy, M Taverna… - Chemical …, 2017 - pubs.rsc.org
Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder linked to oligomerization and
fibrillization of amyloid β peptides, with Aβ1–42 being the most aggregative and neurotoxic …
fibrillization of amyloid β peptides, with Aβ1–42 being the most aggregative and neurotoxic …
A tendril perversion in a helical oligomer: trap** and characterizing a mobile screw-sense reversal
Helical oligomers of achiral monomers adopt domains of uniform screw sense, which are
occasionally interrupted by screw-sense reversals. These rare, elusive, and fast-moving …
occasionally interrupted by screw-sense reversals. These rare, elusive, and fast-moving …
[HTML][HTML] Metamorphic proteins under a computational microscope: Lessons from a fold-switching RfaH protein
Metamorphic proteins constitute unexpected paradigms of the protein folding problem, as
their sequences encode two alternative folds, which reversibly interconvert within …
their sequences encode two alternative folds, which reversibly interconvert within …