An efficient tree-based self-organizing protocol for internet of things
T Qiu, X Liu, L Feng, Y Zhou, K Zheng - Ieee Access, 2016 -
Tree networks are widely applied in sensor networks of Internet of Things (IoTs). This paper
proposes an efficient tree-based self-organizing protocol (ETSP) for sensor networks of IoTs …
proposes an efficient tree-based self-organizing protocol (ETSP) for sensor networks of IoTs …
Improvement of DBR routing protocol in underwater wireless sensor networks using fuzzy logic and bloom filter
H Karimi, K Khamforoosh, V Maihami - Plos one, 2022 -
Routing protocols for underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSN) and underwater Internet
of Things (IoT_UWSN) networks have expanded significantly. DBR routing protocol is one of …
of Things (IoT_UWSN) networks have expanded significantly. DBR routing protocol is one of …
A comparative analysis of flat, hierarchical and location-based routing in wireless sensor networks
In this article, we are going to discuss the comparison of three different categories of routing
principles, namely, flat routing, hierarchical routing and location-based routing in Wireless …
principles, namely, flat routing, hierarchical routing and location-based routing in Wireless …
An energy efficient self organizing multicast routing protocol for internet of things
S Nisha, SP Balakannan - 2017 IEEE International Conference …, 2017 -
Reliable network can be constructed for Internet of Things (IoT) with the help of tree
structure. We introduce an Energy Efficient Self-organizing Multicast Routing Protocol …
structure. We introduce an Energy Efficient Self-organizing Multicast Routing Protocol …
BDD-based algorithm for the minimum spanning tree in wireless ad-hoc network routing
C Yanez-Marquez, I Lopez-Yanez… - IEEE Latin America …, 2013 -
Dynamic power controlled routing has become a viable alternative to traditional routing
protocols in wireless ad hoc networks, particularly with the goal of making a more efficient …
protocols in wireless ad hoc networks, particularly with the goal of making a more efficient …
HetEng: An Improved Distributed Energy Efficient Clustering Scheme for Heterogeneous IoT Networks
H Moasses, A Ghaderzadeh… - 2021 IEEE International …, 2021 -
Network lifetime is always a challenging issue in battery-powered networks due to the
difficulty of recharging or replacing nodes in some scenarios. Clustering methods are a …
difficulty of recharging or replacing nodes in some scenarios. Clustering methods are a …
An energy-efficient self-organization routing strategy in tree networks
F Lin, Y Zhou, T Qiu - EAI Endorsed Transactions on Energy …, 2015 -
This paper proposes a new self-organization and topology dynamic adjustment strategy.
Network nodes broadcast packets to select child nodes and non-network nodes collect …
Network nodes broadcast packets to select child nodes and non-network nodes collect …
Óptimo despliegue y enrutamiento de UDAP para infraestructura de medición avanzada basada en el algoritmo MST
C Ganán, E Inga, R Hincapié - Ingeniare. Revista chilena de …, 2017 - SciELO Chile
El presente artículo permite optimizar el costo por despliegue de los puntos de agregación
de datos universales (UDAP) para la infraestructura avanzada de medición inteligente (AMI) …
de datos universales (UDAP) para la infraestructura avanzada de medición inteligente (AMI) …
[PDF][PDF] Improving wireless sensor network lifetime using self-organizing protocol
C Mangali - Int J Sci Res Sci Technol, 2019 -
This paper proposes a Efficient Tree-based Self-organizing Protocol to improving wireless
sensor network lifetime. all nodes are divided into two kinds: network nodes and non …
sensor network lifetime. all nodes are divided into two kinds: network nodes and non …
AK Maurya, RRS Jandail -
Wireless sensor networking is envisioned as an economically viable paradigm and a
promising technology because of its ability to provide a variety of services, such as intrusion …
promising technology because of its ability to provide a variety of services, such as intrusion …