Widely tunable wavelength converter using a double-ring fiber laser with a semiconductor optical amplifier
Widely tunable wavelength conversion has been demonstrated using broad-band
orthogonal-pump four-wave mixing in a semiconductor optical amplifier placed at the …
orthogonal-pump four-wave mixing in a semiconductor optical amplifier placed at the …
Tunable all-optical NOR gate at 10 Gb/s based on SOA fiber ring laser
C Zhao, X Zhang, H Liu, D Liu, D Huang - Optics Express, 2005 - opg.optica.org
A novel scheme for a tunable all-optical logic NOR gate is presented that is based on a
semiconductor fiber ring laser. In this new configuration a semiconductor optical amplifier is …
semiconductor fiber ring laser. In this new configuration a semiconductor optical amplifier is …
Three-stage wavelength converter based on cross-gain modulation in semiconductor optical amplifiers
Y Mao, ZG Lu, J Chrostowski, J Hong, R Misner - Optics communications, 1999 - Elsevier
A new cascaded three-stage all-optical wavelength converter based on cross-gain
modulation (XGM) was analyzed and implemented using semiconductor optical amplifiers …
modulation (XGM) was analyzed and implemented using semiconductor optical amplifiers …
Theoretical analysis of tunable wavelength conversion based on FWM in a semiconductor fiber ring laser
PL Li, DX Huang, XL Zhang, J Chen… - IEEE Journal of …, 2005 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
A comprehensive broad-band dynamic model of a tunable wavelength converter based on
four-wave mixing (FWM) in a semiconductor fiber ring laser (SFRL) is presented. Critical …
four-wave mixing (FWM) in a semiconductor fiber ring laser (SFRL) is presented. Critical …
Wavelength conversion based on FWM with double orthogonal pump in a semiconductor-fiber ring laser
N Chi, J Qi, L Xu, Y Zhen, K Guan… - IEEE Photonics …, 2001 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
A new scheme is presented in this letter that, by using double orthogonal pump in a
semiconductor fiber ring laser, gives a better solution to improve the conversion efficiency …
semiconductor fiber ring laser, gives a better solution to improve the conversion efficiency …
Widely tunable all-optical wavelength converter using a fiber ring cavity incorporating a semiconductor optical amplifier
We demonstrate wavelength conversion using broad-band orthogonal pumps four-wave
mixing in a semiconductor optical amplifier placed in a fiber ring cavity. The widely tunable …
mixing in a semiconductor optical amplifier placed in a fiber ring cavity. The widely tunable …
Quantum dot based semiconductor waveguide devices
Methods and devices for providing a multiwavelength laser which may be used for
multicasting and other optical com munications uses. The present invention provides a …
multicasting and other optical com munications uses. The present invention provides a …
All-optical wavelength conversion using active semiconductor devices
We report some of our recent results on all-optical wavelength conversion including result
on broadband orthogonal pumped four-wave-mixing in semiconductor optical amplifiers and …
on broadband orthogonal pumped four-wave-mixing in semiconductor optical amplifiers and …
[PDF][PDF] Contribuição para o estudo de não-linearidades em fibras ópticas monomodo
MLF Abbade - 2001 - repositorio.unicamp.br
RESUMO O objetivo deste trabalho é a implementação de um método numérico eficiente
que viabilize o estudo de efeitos não-lineares em fibras ópticas mono-modo, no software PC …
que viabilize o estudo de efeitos não-lineares em fibras ópticas mono-modo, no software PC …
Widely tunable wavelength converter using a double-ring fiber laser incorporating a semiconductor optical amplifier
Summary form only given. A widely tunable all-optical wavelength converter that operates
without any external pump laser was demonstrated. The scheme was based on a double …
without any external pump laser was demonstrated. The scheme was based on a double …