Theory of ultracold atomic Fermi gases

S Giorgini, LP Pitaevskii, S Stringari - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2008 - APS
The physics of quantum degenerate atomic Fermi gases in uniform as well as in
harmonically trapped configurations is reviewed from a theoretical perspective. Emphasis is …

Atomic quantum technologies for quantum matter and fundamental physics applications

J Yago Malo, L Lepori, L Gentini, ML Chiofalo - Technologies, 2024 -
Physics is living an era of unprecedented cross-fertilization among the different areas of
science. In this perspective review, we discuss the manifold impact that state-of-the-art cold …

Josephson effect in fermionic superfluids across the BEC-BCS crossover

G Valtolina, A Burchianti, A Amico, E Neri, K Xhani… - Science, 2015 -
The Josephson effect is a macroscopic quantum phenomenon that reveals the broken
symmetry associated with any superfluid state. Here we report on the observation of the …

Goldstone mode and pair-breaking excitations in atomic Fermi superfluids

S Hoinka, P Dyke, MG Lingham, JJ Kinnunen… - Nature Physics, 2017 -
Spontaneous symmetry breaking is a central paradigm of elementary particle physics,
magnetism, superfluidity and superconductivity. According to Goldstone's theorem, phase …

Precision measurements of collective oscillations in the BEC-BCS crossover

A Altmeyer, S Riedl, C Kohstall, MJ Wright, R Geursen… - Physical review …, 2007 - APS
We report on precision measurements of the frequency of the radial compression mode in a
strongly interacting, optically trapped Fermi gas of Li 6 atoms. Our results allow for a test of …

Number of closed-channel molecules in the BEC-BCS crossover

F Werner, L Tarruell, Y Castin - The European Physical Journal B, 2009 - Springer
Using a two-channel model, we show that the number of closed-channel molecules in a two-
component Fermi gas close to a Feshbach resonance is directly related to the derivative of …

Kibble–Zurek universality in a strongly interacting Fermi superfluid

B Ko, JW Park, Y Shin - Nature physics, 2019 -
Abstract The Kibble–Zurek mechanism describes the spontaneous formation of topological
defects in a system crossing a continuous phase transition,. Its central premise is the notion …

Measurement of sound velocity in a Fermi gas near a Feshbach resonance

J Joseph, B Clancy, L Luo, J Kinast, A Turlapov… - Physical review …, 2007 - APS
Sound waves are excited in an optically trapped degenerate Fermi gas of spin-up and spin-
down atoms with magnetically tunable interactions. Measurements are made throughout the …

Critical velocity in the BEC-BCS crossover

W Weimer, K Morgener, VP Singh, J Siegl, K Hueck… - Physical review …, 2015 - APS
We map out the critical velocity in the crossover from Bose-Einstein condensation to
Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer superfluidity with ultracold Li 6 gases. A small attractive potential …

Condensate fraction of a Fermi gas in the BCS-BEC crossover

L Salasnich, N Manini, A Parola - Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and …, 2005 - APS
We investigate the Bose-Einstein condensation of fermionic pairs in a uniform two-
component Fermi gas, obtaining an explicit formula for the condensate density as a function …