Integrating green infrastructure, ecosystem services and nature-based solutions for urban sustainability: A comprehensive literature review
Urban nature is critical to addressing sustainability challenges. Three concepts capture the
core of this field: Urban Ecosystem Services (UES, benefits humans derived from urban …
core of this field: Urban Ecosystem Services (UES, benefits humans derived from urban …
Progress and prospects in planning: A bibliometric review of literature in Urban Studies and Regional and Urban Planning, 1956–2022
The global population has rapidly urbanized over the past century, and the urbanization rate
is projected to reach about 70% by 2050. In line with these trends and the increasing …
is projected to reach about 70% by 2050. In line with these trends and the increasing …
Greening smart cities: An investigation of the integration of urban natural resources and smart city technologies for promoting environmental sustainability
CX Hui, G Dan, S Alamri, D Toghraie - Sustainable Cities and Society, 2023 - Elsevier
The integration of urban natural resources and smart city technologies as a means to
promote sustainability is investigated in this study using a descriptive-analytical literature …
promote sustainability is investigated in this study using a descriptive-analytical literature …
Green gentrification in European and North American cities
Although urban greening is universally recognized as an essential part of sustainable and
climate-responsive cities, a growing literature on green gentrification argues that new green …
climate-responsive cities, a growing literature on green gentrification argues that new green …
Contrasting inequality in human exposure to greenspace between cities of Global North and Global South
Abstract The United Nations specified the need for “providing universal access to
greenspace for urban residents” in the 11th Sustainable Development Goal. Yet, how far we …
greenspace for urban residents” in the 11th Sustainable Development Goal. Yet, how far we …
Disproportionate exposure to urban heat island intensity across major US cities
Urban heat stress poses a major risk to public health. Case studies of individual cities
suggest that heat exposure, like other environmental stressors, may be unequally distributed …
suggest that heat exposure, like other environmental stressors, may be unequally distributed …
Associations between nature exposure and health: a review of the evidence
There is extensive empirical literature on the association between exposure to nature and
health. In this narrative review, we discuss the strength of evidence from recent (ie, the last …
health. In this narrative review, we discuss the strength of evidence from recent (ie, the last …
Linking supply-demand balance of ecosystem services to identify ecological security patterns in urban agglomerations
Q Jia, L Jiao, X Lian, W Wang - Sustainable Cities and Society, 2023 - Elsevier
Ecological security patterns (ESP) is an effective approach to identify the priority
conservation areas and maintain regional ecological security. The previous ESP studies …
conservation areas and maintain regional ecological security. The previous ESP studies …
The 2020 report of The Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: responding to converging crises
The 2020 report of The Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: responding to
converging crises - The Lancet Skip to Main Content Advertisement The Lancet Journal Submit …
converging crises - The Lancet Skip to Main Content Advertisement The Lancet Journal Submit …
A social-ecological-technological systems framework for urban ecosystem services
As rates of urbanization and climatic change soar, decision-makers are increasingly
challenged to provide innovative solutions that simultaneously address climate change …
challenged to provide innovative solutions that simultaneously address climate change …