The rise and current status of polaritonic photochemistry and photophysics
The interaction between molecular electronic transitions and electromagnetic fields can be
enlarged to the point where distinct hybrid light–matter states, polaritons, emerge. The …
enlarged to the point where distinct hybrid light–matter states, polaritons, emerge. The …
Strong light–matter interactions: a new direction within chemistry
It is possible to modify the chemical and physical properties of molecules, not only through
chemical modifications but also by coupling molecules strongly to light. More intriguingly …
chemical modifications but also by coupling molecules strongly to light. More intriguingly …
Novel nanostructures and materials for strong light–matter interactions
Quantum mechanical interactions between electromagnetic radiation and matter underlie a
broad spectrum of optical phenomena. Strong light-matter interactions result in the well …
broad spectrum of optical phenomena. Strong light-matter interactions result in the well …
Transition metal dichalcogenide nanodisks as high-index dielectric Mie nanoresonators
Monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) have recently been proposed as an
excitonic platform for advanced optical and electronic functionalities,–. However, in spite of …
excitonic platform for advanced optical and electronic functionalities,–. However, in spite of …
Boron nitride nanoresonators for phonon-enhanced molecular vibrational spectroscopy at the strong coupling limit
Enhanced light-matter interactions are the basis of surface-enhanced infrared absorption
(SEIRA) spectroscopy, and conventionally rely on plasmonic materials and their capability to …
(SEIRA) spectroscopy, and conventionally rely on plasmonic materials and their capability to …
Realizing strong light-matter interactions between single-nanoparticle plasmons and molecular excitons at ambient conditions
Realizing strong light-matter interactions between individual two-level systems and
resonating cavities in atomic and solid state systems opens up possibilities to study optical …
resonating cavities in atomic and solid state systems opens up possibilities to study optical …
Light–matter interaction in the strong coupling regime: configurations, conditions, and applications
Resonance interaction between a molecular transition and a confined electromagnetic field
can reach the coupling regime where coherent exchange of energy between light and …
can reach the coupling regime where coherent exchange of energy between light and …
Strong coupling and induced transparency at room temperature with single quantum dots and gap plasmons
Coherent coupling between plasmons and transition dipole moments in emitters can lead to
two distinct spectral effects: vacuum Rabi splitting at strong coupling strengths, and induced …
two distinct spectral effects: vacuum Rabi splitting at strong coupling strengths, and induced …
Room-temperature strong light–matter interaction with active control in single plasmonic nanorod coupled with two-dimensional atomic crystals
Strong light–matter coupling manifested by Rabi splitting has attracted tremendous attention
due to its fundamental importance in cavity quantum-electrodynamics research and great …
due to its fundamental importance in cavity quantum-electrodynamics research and great …
Quantum nanophotonics in two-dimensional materials
The field of two-dimensional (2D) materials-based nanophotonics has been growing at a
rapid pace, triggered by the ability to design nanophotonic systems with in situ control …
rapid pace, triggered by the ability to design nanophotonic systems with in situ control …