News media trust and its impact on media use: Toward a framework for future research
In contemporary high-choice media environments, the issue of media trust and its impact on
people's media use has taken on new importance. At the same time, the extent to which …
people's media use has taken on new importance. At the same time, the extent to which …
[HTML][HTML] Systematic literature review on the spread of health-related misinformation on social media
Contemporary commentators describe the current period as “an era of fake news” in which
misinformation, generated intentionally or unintentionally, spreads rapidly. Although …
misinformation, generated intentionally or unintentionally, spreads rapidly. Although …
How do social media influencers induce the urge to buy impulsively? Social commerce context
Based on signaling theory, the current research examines the impact of Fashion Influencers
(FIs) on consumers' Urge to Buy Impulsively (UBI) in a social commerce context. This …
(FIs) on consumers' Urge to Buy Impulsively (UBI) in a social commerce context. This …
Should I suggest this YouTube clip? The impact of UGC source credibility on eWOM and purchase intention
Purpose In spite of the increasing organic and interactive marketing activities over social
media, a general understanding of the source credibility of voluntary user-generated content …
media, a general understanding of the source credibility of voluntary user-generated content …
Fake news as a two-dimensional phenomenon: A framework and research agenda
Based on an extensive literature review, we suggest that 'fake news' alludes to two
dimensions of political communication: the fake news genre (ie the deliberate creation of …
dimensions of political communication: the fake news genre (ie the deliberate creation of …
Inoculation theory in the post‐truth era: Extant findings and new frontiers for contested science, misinformation, and conspiracy theories
Although there has been unprecedented attention to inoculation theory in recent years, the
potential of this research has yet to be reached. Inoculation theory explains how immunity to …
potential of this research has yet to be reached. Inoculation theory explains how immunity to …
Factors affecting YouTube influencer marketing credibility: a heuristic-systematic model
The rise of influencer marketing makes YouTube an ideal media platform to implement such
marketing strategies. Many scholars consider the success of YouTube influencer marketing …
marketing strategies. Many scholars consider the success of YouTube influencer marketing …
[PDF][PDF] The impact of social media influencers on purchase intention and the mediation effect of customer attitude
Social media influencers are first explored in the advertising field, particularly to create buzz
in the younger markets and further expand social media coverage in businesses. This study …
in the younger markets and further expand social media coverage in businesses. This study …
Influencer marketing: The impact of disclosing sponsorship compensation justification on sponsored content effectiveness
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects of a particular form of
sponsorship disclaimer in sponsored content by social media influencers (SMIs), namely a …
sponsorship disclaimer in sponsored content by social media influencers (SMIs), namely a …
The effect of social media on perceived information credibility and decision making
Studies have found that information from celebrities, social media influencers, and people
whom they know in real life affects millennial consumers' purchasing decisions. This study …
whom they know in real life affects millennial consumers' purchasing decisions. This study …