Efficient microwave spin control of negatively charged group-IV color centers in diamond

G Pieplow, M Belhassen, T Schröder - Physical Review B, 2024 - APS
In this paper, we provide a comprehensive overview of the microwave-induced manipulation
of electronic spin states in negatively charged group-IV color centers in diamond with a …

[HTML][HTML] Atomic diffraction from single-photon transitions in gravity and Standard-Model extensions

A Bott, F Di Pumpo, E Giese - AVS Quantum Science, 2023 - pubs.aip.org
Single-photon transitions are one of the key technologies for designing and operating very-
long-baseline atom interferometers tailored for terrestrial gravitational-wave and dark-matter …

[HTML][HTML] Modulational instability in two-dimensional dissipative open Bose-Einstein condensates with mixed helicoidal and Rashba-Dresselhaus spin-orbit couplings

CB Tabi, P Otlaadisa, TC Kofané - Physics Letters A, 2023 - Elsevier
The letter proposes a modified set of coupled two-dimensional (2D) cubic complex Ginzburg-
Landau (CGL) equations that include Rashba and Dresselhaus as well as helicoidal spin …

Proposal for simulating quantum spin models with the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction using Rydberg atoms and the construction of asymptotic quantum many-body …

M Kunimi, T Tomita, H Katsura, Y Kato - Physical Review A, 2024 - APS
We have developed a method to simulate quantum spin models with the Dzyaloshinskii-
Moriya interaction (DMI) using Rydberg atom quantum simulators. Our approach involves a …

Squeezed-light-enhanced atom interferometry below the standard quantum limit

SS Szigeti, B Tonekaboni, WYS Lau, SN Hood… - Physical Review A, 2014 - APS
We investigate the prospect of enhancing the phase sensitivity of atom interferometers in the
Mach-Zehnder configuration with squeezed light. Ultimately, this enhancement is achieved …

Designing Kerr interactions for quantum information processing via counterrotating terms of asymmetric Josephson-junction loops

T Hillmann, F Quijandría - Physical Review Applied, 2022 - APS
Continuous-variable systems realized in high-coherence microwave cavities are a
promising platform for quantum information processing. While strong dynamic nonlinear …

Dephasing-assisted transport in linear triple quantum dots

LD Contreras-Pulido, M Bruderer… - New Journal of …, 2014 - iopscience.iop.org
Environmental noise usually hinders the efficiency of charge transport through coherent
quantum systems; an exception is dephasing-assisted transport (DAT). We show that linear …

Unconventional mechanism of virtual-state population through dissipation

A Vivas-Viaña, A González-Tudela, CS Muñoz - Physical Review A, 2022 - APS
Virtual states are a central concept in quantum mechanics. By definition, the probability of
finding a quantum system in a virtual state should be vanishingly small at all times. In …

Adiabatic elimination in strong-field light-matter coupling

B Kaufman, T Rozgonyi, P Marquetand, T Weinacht - Physical Review A, 2020 - APS
We explore the validity of adiabatic elimination in the derivation of an essential-states
representation of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation in the presence of a strong laser …

Adiabatic elimination and subspace evolution of open quantum systems

D Finkelstein-Shapiro, D Viennot, I Saideh, T Hansen… - Physical Review A, 2020 - APS
Efficient descriptions of open quantum systems can be obtained by performing an adiabatic
elimination of the fast degrees of freedom and formulating effective operators for the slow …