[HTML][HTML] Evaluating epistemic negation in answer set programming
Epistemic negation not along with default negation¬ plays a key role in knowledge
representation and nonmonotonic reasoning. However, the existing epistemic approaches …
representation and nonmonotonic reasoning. However, the existing epistemic approaches …
[HTML][HTML] Autoepistemic answer set programming
Defined by Gelfond in 1991, epistemic specifications constitute an extension of Answer Set
Programming (ASP) that introduces subjective literals. A subjective literal allows checking …
Programming (ASP) that introduces subjective literals. A subjective literal allows checking …
Thirty years of epistemic specifications
The language of epistemic specifications and epistemic logic programs extends disjunctive
logic programs under the stable model semantics with modal constructs called subjective …
logic programs under the stable model semantics with modal constructs called subjective …
Splitting epistemic logic programs
Epistemic logic programs constitute an extension of the stable model semantics to deal with
new constructs called subjective literals. Informally speaking, a subjective literal allows …
new constructs called subjective literals. Informally speaking, a subjective literal allows …
On the Structural Complexity of Grounding–Tackling the ASP Grounding Bottleneck via Epistemic Programs and Treewidth
V Besin, M Hecher, S Woltran - ECAI 2023, 2023 - ebooks.iospress.nl
Abstract Answer Set Programming is widely applied research area for knowledge
representation and for solving industrial domains. One of the challenges of this formalism …
representation and for solving industrial domains. One of the challenges of this formalism …
Epistemic logic programs: Non-ground and counting complexity
Answer Set Programming (ASP) is a prominent problem-modeling and solving framework,
whose solutions are called answer sets. Epistemic logic programs (ELP) extend ASP to …
whose solutions are called answer sets. Epistemic logic programs (ELP) extend ASP to …
eclingo: A solver for epistemic logic programs
We describe eclingo, a solver for epistemic logic programs under Gelfond 1991 semantics
built upon the Answer Set Programming system clingo. The input language of eclingo uses …
built upon the Answer Set Programming system clingo. The input language of eclingo uses …
Epistemic logic programs with world view constraints
PT Kahl, AP Leclerc - … of the 34th International Conference on …, 2018 - drops.dagstuhl.de
An epistemic logic program is a set of rules written in the language of Epistemic
Specifications, an extension of the language of answer set programming that provides for …
Specifications, an extension of the language of answer set programming that provides for …
Structural decompositions of epistemic logic programs
Epistemic logic programs (ELPs) are a popular generalization of standard Answer Set
Programming (ASP) providing means for reasoning over answer sets within the language …
Programming (ASP) providing means for reasoning over answer sets within the language …
[PDF][PDF] On Computing World Views of Epistemic Logic Programs.
This paper presents a novel algorithm for computing world views of different semantics of
epistemic logic programs (ELP) and two of its realization, called EP-ASP (for an older …
epistemic logic programs (ELP) and two of its realization, called EP-ASP (for an older …