Managing the image. The visual communication strategy of European right-wing populist politicians on Instagram
J Bast - Journal of Political Marketing, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
The visual social media platform Instagram is a popular tool for political image building.
Drawing on image management theory as well as right-wing populist and visual …
Drawing on image management theory as well as right-wing populist and visual …
The populist marketplace: Unpacking the role of “thin” and “thick” ideology
A growing body of work adopts a “thin” ideology conception of populism, which attributes
populist parties' electoral success to anti-elite and people-centric appeals that resonate with …
populist parties' electoral success to anti-elite and people-centric appeals that resonate with …
[KNYGA][B] Cleavage Formation in the 21st century: How social identities shape voting behavior in contexts of electoral realignment
Western Europe is experiencing growing levels of political polarization between parties of
the New Left and the Far Right. The authors argue that this antagonism reflects the …
the New Left and the Far Right. The authors argue that this antagonism reflects the …
Who votes for new parties? Economic voting, political ideology and populist attitudes
H Marcos-Marne, C Plaza-Colodro… - West European …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Beginning with the economic crisis in 2008, a number of European societies witnessed the
emergence of 'new parties'. Most authors explain their electoral appeal by focusing on how …
emergence of 'new parties'. Most authors explain their electoral appeal by focusing on how …
[KNYGA][B] Contemporary US populism in comparative perspective
With the victory of Donald Trump in the 2016 United States presidential election, populists
have come to power in the US for the first time in many years. However, US political …
have come to power in the US for the first time in many years. However, US political …
When do politicians use populist rhetoric? Populism as a campaign gamble
Why do some politicians employ populist rhetoric more than others within the same
elections, and why do the same politicians employ more of it in some elections? Building on …
elections, and why do the same politicians employ more of it in some elections? Building on …
The role of collective narcissism in populist attitudes and the collapse of democracy in Hungary
What are the psychological processes responsible for the recent spread of populist political
systems and movements? All political systems essentially reflect the mental representations …
systems and movements? All political systems essentially reflect the mental representations …
A tale of populism? The determinants of voting for left-wing populist parties in Spain
H Marcos-Marne - Political studies, 2021 -
Evidence indicates that populist attitudes matter for voting decisions, but findings are still
inconclusive about whether this happens regardless of individuals' positioning on more …
inconclusive about whether this happens regardless of individuals' positioning on more …
Populism, an ideology without history? A new genetic approach
F Tarragoni - Journal of Political Ideologies, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
This article analyses the implications of the qualification of 'populism', which has spread
massively in contemporary social sciences. Through an archaeology of the concept in …
massively in contemporary social sciences. Through an archaeology of the concept in …
[KNYGA][B] The people and the nation
The People and the Nation; Populism and Ethno-Territorial Politics in Europe; First Edition Page
1 THE PEOPLE AND THE NATION ‘‘This book theoretically and empirically fills a void in …
1 THE PEOPLE AND THE NATION ‘‘This book theoretically and empirically fills a void in …