Emerging technologies revolutionise insect ecology and monitoring
Insects are the most diverse group of animals on Earth, but their small size and high diversity
have always made them challenging to study. Recent technological advances have the …
have always made them challenging to study. Recent technological advances have the …
Ecosystems monitoring powered by environmental genomics: a review of current strategies with an implementation roadmap
A decade after environmental scientists integrated high‐throughput sequencing
technologies in their toolbox, the genomics‐based monitoring of anthropogenic impacts on …
technologies in their toolbox, the genomics‐based monitoring of anthropogenic impacts on …
Deep learning and computer vision will transform entomology
Most animal species on Earth are insects, and recent reports suggest that their abundance is
in drastic decline. Although these reports come from a wide range of insect taxa and regions …
in drastic decline. Although these reports come from a wide range of insect taxa and regions …
[KNIHA][B] A practical guide to DNA-based methods for biodiversity assessment.
This book represents a synthesis of knowledge and best practice in the field of DNA-based
biomonitoring at the time of writing. It has been written with end-users of molecular tools in …
biomonitoring at the time of writing. It has been written with end-users of molecular tools in …
MIDORI2: A collection of quality controlled, preformatted, and regularly updated reference databases for taxonomic assignment of eukaryotic mitochondrial sequences
Abstract Analysis of environmental DNA is increasingly used to characterize ecological
communities, but the effectiveness of this approach depends on the accuracy of taxonomic …
communities, but the effectiveness of this approach depends on the accuracy of taxonomic …
Prospects and challenges of implementing DNA metabarcoding for high-throughput insect surveillance
Trap-based surveillance strategies are widely used for monitoring of invasive insect species,
aiming to detect newly arrived exotic taxa as well as track the population levels of …
aiming to detect newly arrived exotic taxa as well as track the population levels of …
A practical guide to DNA metabarcoding for entomological ecologists
1. DNA metabarcoding is a cost‐effective species identification approach with great potential
to assist entomological ecologists. This review presents a practical guide to help …
to assist entomological ecologists. This review presents a practical guide to help …
Airborne environmental DNA metabarcoding for the monitoring of terrestrial insects—A proof of concept from the field
Biodiversity is in decline due to human‐induced pressures on ecosystems around the world.
To be able to counteract this alarming trend, it is paramount to closely monitor biodiversity at …
To be able to counteract this alarming trend, it is paramount to closely monitor biodiversity at …
The need for robust qPCR‐based eDNA detection assays in environmental monitoring and species inventories
VS Langlois, MJ Allison, LC Bergman, TA To… - Environmental …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Considerable promise and excitement exist in the application of environmental DNA (eDNA)
methods to environmental monitoring and species inventories as eDNA can provide cost …
methods to environmental monitoring and species inventories as eDNA can provide cost …
ONTbarcoder 2.0: rapid species discovery and identification with real‐time barcoding facilitated by Oxford Nanopore R10. 4
Most arthropod species are undescribed and hidden in specimen‐rich samples that are
difficult to sort to species using morphological characters. For such samples, sorting to …
difficult to sort to species using morphological characters. For such samples, sorting to …