Wearable lower-limb exoskeleton for children with cerebral palsy: A systematic review of mechanical design, actuation type, control strategy, and clinical evaluation
Children with a neurological disorder such as cerebral palsy (CP) severely suffer from a
reduced quality of life because of decreasing independence and mobility. Although there is …
reduced quality of life because of decreasing independence and mobility. Although there is …
The impact of ankle-foot orthosis stiffness on gait: a systematic literature review
Abstract Background Ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs) are commonly prescribed to provide ankle
support during walking. Current prescription standards provide general guidelines for …
support during walking. Current prescription standards provide general guidelines for …
Ankle exoskeleton assistance can improve over-ground walking economy in individuals with cerebral palsy
G Orekhov, Y Fang, J Luque… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Individuals with neuromuscular impairment from conditions like cerebral palsy face reduced
quality of life due to diminishing mobility and independence. Lower-limb exoskeletons have …
quality of life due to diminishing mobility and independence. Lower-limb exoskeletons have …
Increasing ankle push-off work with a powered prosthesis does not necessarily reduce metabolic rate for transtibial amputees
Amputees using passive ankle-foot prostheses tend to expend more metabolic energy
during walking than non-amputees, and reducing this cost has been a central motivation for …
during walking than non-amputees, and reducing this cost has been a central motivation for …
An untethered ankle exoskeleton improves walking economy in a pilot study of individuals with cerebral palsy
The high energy cost of walking in individuals with cerebral palsy (CP) contributes
significantly to reduced mobility and quality of life. The purpose of this paper was to develop …
significantly to reduced mobility and quality of life. The purpose of this paper was to develop …
The interaction between muscle pathophysiology, body mass, walking speed and ankle foot orthosis stiffness on walking energy cost: a predictive simulation study
Background The stiffness of a dorsal leaf AFO that minimizes walking energy cost in people
with plantarflexor weakness varies between individuals. Using predictive simulations, we …
with plantarflexor weakness varies between individuals. Using predictive simulations, we …
WAKE-Up exoskeleton to assist children with cerebral palsy: design and preliminary evaluation in level walking
This paper presents the modular design and control of a novel compliant lower limbmulti-
joint exoskeleton for the rehabilitation of ankle kneemobility and locomotion of pediatric …
joint exoskeleton for the rehabilitation of ankle kneemobility and locomotion of pediatric …
Visual guidance can help with the use of a robotic exoskeleton during human walking
Walking is an important activity that supports the health-related quality of life, and for those
who need assistance, robotic devices are available to help. Recent progress in wearable …
who need assistance, robotic devices are available to help. Recent progress in wearable …
Ankle foot orthoses in cerebral palsy: effects of ankle stiffness on trunk kinematics, gait stability and energy cost of walking
In children with cerebral palsy (CP), rigid ventral shell ankle-foot orthoses (vAFOs) are often
prescribed to reduce excessive knee flexion in stance and lower the energy cost of walking …
prescribed to reduce excessive knee flexion in stance and lower the energy cost of walking …
Modifying ankle foot orthosis stiffness in patients with calf muscle weakness: gait responses on group and individual level
Background To improve gait, persons with calf muscle weakness can be provided with a
dorsal leaf spring ankle foot orthosis (DLS-AFO). These AFOs can store energy during …
dorsal leaf spring ankle foot orthosis (DLS-AFO). These AFOs can store energy during …