Rydberg superatoms: An artificial quantum system for quantum information processing and quantum optics

XQ Shao, SL Su, L Li, R Nath, JH Wu, W Li - Applied Physics Reviews, 2024‏ - pubs.aip.org
Rydberg superatoms: An artificial quantum system for quantum information processing and
quantum optics | Applied Physics Reviews | AIP Publishing Skip to Main Content Umbrella Alt …

Demonstration of Weighted-Graph Optimization on a Rydberg-Atom Array Using Local Light Shifts

AG de Oliveira, E Diamond-Hitchcock, DM Walker… - PRX Quantum, 2025‏ - APS
Neutral-atom arrays have emerged as a versatile platform toward scalable quantum
computation and optimization. In this paper, we present demonstrations of solving maximum …

Persistent currents in ultracold gases

J Polo, WJ Chetcuti, T Haug, A Minguzzi… - ar** in a Rydberg tweezer array
Y Zhang, A Gaddie, HV Do, GW Biedermann… - Physical Review A, 2024‏ - APS
Optical tweezer arrays of neutral atoms provide a versatile platform for quantum simulation
due to the range of interactions and Hamiltonians that can be realized and explored. We …

Extractable energy from quantum superposition of current states

F Perciavalle, D Rossini, J Polo, L Amico - arxiv preprint arxiv:2410.13934, 2024‏ - arxiv.org
We explore the energy content of superpositions of current states. Specifically, we focus on
the maximum energy that can be extracted from them through local unitary transformations …

Relaxation in dipolar spin ladders: From pair production to false-vacuum decay

GA Domínguez-Castro, T Bilitewski, D Wellnitz, AM Rey… - Physical Review A, 2024‏ - APS
Ultracold dipolar particles pinned in optical lattices or tweezers provide an excellent platform
for the study of the intriguing equilibration dynamics of spin models with dipolar exchange …

Tunable Two-Species Spin Models with Rydberg Atoms in Circular and Elliptical States

J Dobrzyniecki, P Heim, M Tomza - arxiv preprint arxiv:2411.14854, 2024‏ - arxiv.org
We propose a scheme for constructing versatile quantum simulators using ultracold Rydberg
atoms in long-lived circular and elliptical states. By exciting different subspaces of internal …