Smart composite structures with embedded sensors for load and damage monitoring–a review

R Janeliukstis, D Mironovs - Mechanics of Composite Materials, 2021 - Springer
Fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) composite materials are widely used in different branches of
industry, especially in aerospace, owing to their low mass, high strength and stiffness, and …

Multi-objective RANS aerodynamic optimization of a hypersonic intake ramp at Mach 5

F De Vanna, D Bof, E Benini - Energies, 2022 -
The work describes a systematic optimization strategy for designing hypersonic inlet intakes.
A Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes database is mined using genetic algorithms to develop …

Safety system assessment case study of automated vehicle shuttle

H Pikner, R Sell, J Majak, K Karjust - Electronics, 2022 -
Automated vehicle (AV) minibuses, ie, AV shuttles, are gaining popularity in the testing of
new types of transportation services in real traffic conditions. AV shuttles have moved from …

[PDF][PDF] Production monitoring system development for manufacturing processes of photovoltaic modules

P Tšukrejev, K Kruuser, K Karjust - Proc. Est. Acad. Sci, 2019 -
The main goal of the study is to develop the concept of the real time monitoring system for
manufacturing processes of photovoltaic modules. Driven by reduced costs the solar power …

Planning and acquisition of real-time production data through the virtual factory in chemical industry

T Raamets, K Karjust… - ASME …, 2021 -
The various production problems that have arisen are closely linked to the need of the
digitize products, production equipment, and their processes. With the increasing use of …

Composite characterization using digital image correlation (DIC) approach for stress-strain prediction

D Bassir, S Guessasma, Y Zheng, Y Cai… - AIP Conference …, 2024 -
Identifying elastic parameters such as Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio is an important
step in analysing material properties. They can be obtained by different ways: using …

Design of Performance Characteristics on laser treated denim fabric

N MANDRE, T PLAMUS, A LINDER, T VARJAS… - Materials …, 2023 -
The current paper covers an experimental study, mathematical modelling, and design
optimization of the laser treatment process of denim fabrics. Laser fading is used in the …

Structural damage recognition based on wavelet transform and improved most valuable player algorithm

Y Li - … Journal for Simulation and Multidisciplinary Design …, 2024 -
The probability of damage to infrastructure increases with age. Timely health monitoring of
infrastructure is essential since it is linked to the safety of people's lives and property. The …

[PDF][PDF] Multi-Objective RANS Aerodynamic Optimization of a Hypersonic Intake Ramp at Mach 5. Energies 2022, 15, 2811

F De Vanna, D Bof, E Benini - 2022 -
The work describes a systematic optimization strategy for designing hypersonic inlet intakes.
A Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes database is mined using genetic algorithms to develop …

A relação da indústria 4.0 com a sustentabilidade: uma revisão

ADP Carvalho, PR Zarelli, BM Dalarosa… - Revista e-TECH …, 2022 -
Com a chegada da Quarta Revolução Industrial, novos modelos de negócio surgem, o que
permite que se aprimorem os processos de produção, criando-se módulos de fábrica …