[HTML][HTML] Geothermal energy at different depths for district heating and cooling of existing and future building stock

D Romanov, B Leiss - Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2022 - Elsevier
Recent developments in the building sector, district heating and cooling (DHC) field, and
geothermal technology are reported here, which indicate the trends and efforts to more …

[HTML][HTML] Low-temperature operation of heating systems to enable 4th generation district heating: A review

DS Østergaard, KM Smith, M Tunzi, S Svendsen - Energy, 2022 - Elsevier
District heating networks increasingly rely on heat pumps, condensing biomass boilers, and
excess heat in the transition to sustainable energy systems. Accordingly, district heating …

[HTML][HTML] District heating and cooling in Sweden

S Werner - Energy, 2017 - Elsevier
The purpose with this review is to provide a presentation of the background and current
position for district heating and cooling in Sweden. The review structure considers the …

Controlling district heating and cooling networks to unlock flexibility: A review

A Vandermeulen, B van der Heijde, L Helsen - Energy, 2018 - Elsevier
Flexibility in district heating and cooling systems (thermal networks in general) is an
important means to cope with the intermittent generation of heat and electricity as the share …

Multi-step ahead forecasting of heat load in district heating systems using machine learning algorithms

P Xue, Y Jiang, Z Zhou, X Chen, X Fang, J Liu - Energy, 2019 - Elsevier
Predicting next-day heat load curves is essential to guarantee sufficient heat supply and
optimal operation of district heat systems (DHSs). Existing studies have mainly investigated …

[HTML][HTML] Economic benefits of fourth generation district heating

H Averfalk, S Werner - Energy, 2020 - Elsevier
The main impetus for lower distribution temperatures in district heating systems is the lower
heat supply costs obtained by these lower temperatures. In this paper, the differences in …

District heating and cooling optimization and enhancement–Towards integration of renewables, storage and smart grid

Y Li, Y Rezgui, H Zhu - Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2017 - Elsevier
District heating and cooling (DHC) systems are attracting increased interest for their low
carbon potential. However, most DHC systems are not operating at the expected …

[HTML][HTML] Plant and system-level performance of combined heat and power plants equipped with different carbon capture technologies

TR Kumar, J Beiron, M Biermann, S Harvey… - Applied Energy, 2023 - Elsevier
Installing carbon capture and storage (BECCS) capability at existing biomass-fired
combined heat and power (bio-CHP) plants with substantial emissions of biogenic CO 2 …

[HTML][HTML] Fault and anomaly detection in district heating substations: A survey on methodology and data sets

M Neumayer, D Stecher, S Grimm, A Maier, D Bücker… - Energy, 2023 - Elsevier
District heating systems are essential building blocks for affordable, low-carbon heat supply.
Early detection and elimination of faults is crucial for the efficiency of these systems and …

Transition to the 4th generation district heating-possibilities, bottlenecks, and challenges

H Li, N Nord - Energy Procedia, 2018 - Elsevier
The 4 th generation district heating (DH) will be available in the coming years. However, the
transition from the current 2 nd or 3 rd generation DH is a challenging task. This article …