[HTML][HTML] Geothermal energy at different depths for district heating and cooling of existing and future building stock
Recent developments in the building sector, district heating and cooling (DHC) field, and
geothermal technology are reported here, which indicate the trends and efforts to more …
geothermal technology are reported here, which indicate the trends and efforts to more …
[HTML][HTML] Low-temperature operation of heating systems to enable 4th generation district heating: A review
DS Østergaard, KM Smith, M Tunzi, S Svendsen - Energy, 2022 - Elsevier
District heating networks increasingly rely on heat pumps, condensing biomass boilers, and
excess heat in the transition to sustainable energy systems. Accordingly, district heating …
excess heat in the transition to sustainable energy systems. Accordingly, district heating …
[HTML][HTML] District heating and cooling in Sweden
S Werner - Energy, 2017 - Elsevier
The purpose with this review is to provide a presentation of the background and current
position for district heating and cooling in Sweden. The review structure considers the …
position for district heating and cooling in Sweden. The review structure considers the …
Controlling district heating and cooling networks to unlock flexibility: A review
Flexibility in district heating and cooling systems (thermal networks in general) is an
important means to cope with the intermittent generation of heat and electricity as the share …
important means to cope with the intermittent generation of heat and electricity as the share …
Multi-step ahead forecasting of heat load in district heating systems using machine learning algorithms
Predicting next-day heat load curves is essential to guarantee sufficient heat supply and
optimal operation of district heat systems (DHSs). Existing studies have mainly investigated …
optimal operation of district heat systems (DHSs). Existing studies have mainly investigated …
[HTML][HTML] Economic benefits of fourth generation district heating
The main impetus for lower distribution temperatures in district heating systems is the lower
heat supply costs obtained by these lower temperatures. In this paper, the differences in …
heat supply costs obtained by these lower temperatures. In this paper, the differences in …
District heating and cooling optimization and enhancement–Towards integration of renewables, storage and smart grid
District heating and cooling (DHC) systems are attracting increased interest for their low
carbon potential. However, most DHC systems are not operating at the expected …
carbon potential. However, most DHC systems are not operating at the expected …
[HTML][HTML] Plant and system-level performance of combined heat and power plants equipped with different carbon capture technologies
Installing carbon capture and storage (BECCS) capability at existing biomass-fired
combined heat and power (bio-CHP) plants with substantial emissions of biogenic CO 2 …
combined heat and power (bio-CHP) plants with substantial emissions of biogenic CO 2 …
[HTML][HTML] Fault and anomaly detection in district heating substations: A survey on methodology and data sets
District heating systems are essential building blocks for affordable, low-carbon heat supply.
Early detection and elimination of faults is crucial for the efficiency of these systems and …
Early detection and elimination of faults is crucial for the efficiency of these systems and …
Transition to the 4th generation district heating-possibilities, bottlenecks, and challenges
H Li, N Nord - Energy Procedia, 2018 - Elsevier
The 4 th generation district heating (DH) will be available in the coming years. However, the
transition from the current 2 nd or 3 rd generation DH is a challenging task. This article …
transition from the current 2 nd or 3 rd generation DH is a challenging task. This article …