Sexual selection for both diversity and repetition in birdsong
J Sierro, SR de Kort, IR Hartley - Nature Communications, 2023 - nature.com
From fiddler crabs to humans, animals perform repetitive displays showing neuromotor skill
and vigour. Consistent repetition of identical notes (vocal consistency) facilitates the …
and vigour. Consistent repetition of identical notes (vocal consistency) facilitates the …
Female blue tits sing frequently: a sex comparison of occurrence, context, and structure of song
J Sierro, SR de Kort, K Riebel, IR Hartley - Behavioral Ecology, 2022 - academic.oup.com
In species with mutual mate choice, we should expect adaptive signaling in both sexes.
However, the role of female sexual signals is generally understudied. A case in point is …
However, the role of female sexual signals is generally understudied. A case in point is …
[CARTE][B] The blue tit
M Stenning - 2018 - books.google.com
Sporting a mix of blue, yellow, white, green and black, the unmistakable Blue Tit reflects the
colours of a planet affected by a burgeoning human population. Fortunately, Blue Tits are …
colours of a planet affected by a burgeoning human population. Fortunately, Blue Tits are …
The function of three main call types in common cuckoo
C ** the relationships in birds. Common cuckoos
Cuculus canorus are known to produce various call types, but the function of these calls has …
Cuculus canorus are known to produce various call types, but the function of these calls has …
Components of variation in female common cuckoo calls
Z Deng, H Lloyd, C **a, AP Møller, W Liang… - Behavioural processes, 2019 - Elsevier
Investigations on bird vocalizations have largely focused on males. Female vocalizations
are widespread in birds but few studies have investigated female vocal characteristics …
are widespread in birds but few studies have investigated female vocal characteristics …
Songbirds use scent cues to relocate to feeding sites after displacement: An experiment in great tits (Parus major)
Air-borne chemicals are highly abundant sensory cues and their use in navigation might be
one of the major evolutionary mechanisms explaining the development of olfaction in …
one of the major evolutionary mechanisms explaining the development of olfaction in …
[CARTE][B] Bird bonds
G Kaplan - 2019 - books.google.com
Some Australian native birds become childhood sweethearts and court for years before they
get'married'. Others divorce because of personality clashes and different skill levels. Many …
get'married'. Others divorce because of personality clashes and different skill levels. Many …
Female song can be over-looked in even the most intensively studied songbirds
NE Langmore - Behavioral Ecology, 2023 - academic.oup.com
A flurry of recent studies has established that in songbirds, song production by both sexes is
both the norm and the ancestral state, overturning traditional assumptions that song is the …
both the norm and the ancestral state, overturning traditional assumptions that song is the …
Frequent female song in blue tits: behavioural context suggests a role in intrasexual competition
J Sierro, SR de Kort, K Riebel, IR Hartley - bioRxiv, 2021 - biorxiv.org
The blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) is an important avian model in evolutionary ecology (>
20,000 published scientific studies). Song, like in other songbird species, is generally …
20,000 published scientific studies). Song, like in other songbird species, is generally …
Cultural evolution of birdsong: Changes of Tree Pipit vocalization in year-to-decade temporal scales
B Çetinkaya - 2023 - dspace.cuni.cz
Social learning gives rise to culture, which is defined as socially learned behaviors that are
shared among members of a community and persist over generations. Song of the …
shared among members of a community and persist over generations. Song of the …