Tunable chiral bound states with giant atoms
We propose tunable chiral bound states in a system composed of superconducting giant
atoms and a Josephson photonic-crystal waveguide (PCW), with no analog in other …
atoms and a Josephson photonic-crystal waveguide (PCW), with no analog in other …
Inductively shunted transmons exhibit noise insensitive plasmon states and a fluxon decay exceeding 3 hours
Currently available quantum processors are dominated by noise, which severely limits their
applicability and motivates the search for new physical qubit encodings. In this work, we …
applicability and motivates the search for new physical qubit encodings. In this work, we …
Photonic-crystal Josephson traveling-wave parametric amplifier
A microwave amplifier combining noise performances as close as possible to the quantum
limit with large bandwidth and high saturation power is highly desirable for many solid-state …
limit with large bandwidth and high saturation power is highly desirable for many solid-state …
Microwave photon detection at parametric criticality
The detection of microwave fields at single-photon power levels is a much-sought-after
technology, with practical applications in nanoelectronics and quantum information science …
technology, with practical applications in nanoelectronics and quantum information science …
Near-Quantum-Noise Axion Dark Matter Search at CAPP around
We report the results of an axion dark matter search over an axion mass range of 9.39–9.51
μ eV. A flux-driven Josephson parametric amplifier (JPA) was added to the cryogenic …
μ eV. A flux-driven Josephson parametric amplifier (JPA) was added to the cryogenic …
Squeezed vacuum used to accelerate the search for a weak classical signal
Many experiments that interrogate fundamental theories require detectors whose
sensitivities are limited by the laws of quantum mechanics. In cavity-based searches for …
sensitivities are limited by the laws of quantum mechanics. In cavity-based searches for …
Secure quantum remote state preparation of squeezed microwave states
Quantum communication protocols based on nonclassical correlations can be more efficient
than known classical methods and offer intrinsic security over direct state transfer. In …
than known classical methods and offer intrinsic security over direct state transfer. In …
Beyond the standard quantum limit for parametric amplification of broadband signals
The low-noise amplification of weak microwave signals is crucial for countless protocols in
quantum information processing. Quantum mechanics sets an ultimate lower limit of half a …
quantum information processing. Quantum mechanics sets an ultimate lower limit of half a …
Optimal operation of a Josephson parametric amplifier for vacuum squeezing
A Josephson parametric amplifier (JPA) can create squeezed states of microwave light,
lowering the noise associated with certain quantum measurements. We experimentally …
lowering the noise associated with certain quantum measurements. We experimentally …
Remote sensing of a levitated superconductor with a flux-tunable microwave cavity
We present a cavity-electromechanical system comprising a superconducting quantum
interference device which is embedded in a microwave resonator and coupled via a pickup …
interference device which is embedded in a microwave resonator and coupled via a pickup …