Understanding planetary context to enable life detection on exoplanets and test the Copernican principle
The search for life on exoplanets is motivated by the universal ways in which life could
modify its planetary environment. Atmospheric gases such as oxygen and methane are …
modify its planetary environment. Atmospheric gases such as oxygen and methane are …
Whole planet coupling between climate, mantle, and core: Implications for rocky planet evolution
Earth's climate, mantle, and core interact over geologic time scales. Climate influences
whether plate tectonics can take place on a planet, with cool climates being favorable for …
whether plate tectonics can take place on a planet, with cool climates being favorable for …
Habitable zones around main-sequence stars: dependence on planetary mass
The ongoing discoveries of extra-solar planets are unveiling a wide range of terrestrial mass
(size) planets around their host stars. In this Letter, we present estimates of habitable zones …
(size) planets around their host stars. In this Letter, we present estimates of habitable zones …
Predicted diversity in water content of terrestrial exoplanets orbiting M dwarfs
Exoplanet surveys around M dwarfs have detected a growing number of exoplanets with
Earth-like insolation. It is expected that some of those planets are rocky planets with the …
Earth-like insolation. It is expected that some of those planets are rocky planets with the …
Water contents of Earth-mass planets around M dwarfs
Efforts to identify habitable extrasolar planets have focused on systems around M dwarfs,
faint stars with less than half the solar mass. Habitable planets around M dwarfs are thought …
faint stars with less than half the solar mass. Habitable planets around M dwarfs are thought …
Limited Archaean continental emergence reflected in an early Archaean 18O-enriched ocean
The origin and evolution of Earth's biosphere were shaped by the physical and chemical
histories of the oceans. Marine chemical sediments and altered oceanic crust preserve a …
histories of the oceans. Marine chemical sediments and altered oceanic crust preserve a …
Habitability of exoplanet waterworlds
Many habitable zone (HZ) exoplanets are expected to form with water mass fractions higher
than that of the Earth. For rocky exoplanets with 10–1000× Earth's H 2 O but without H 2, we …
than that of the Earth. For rocky exoplanets with 10–1000× Earth's H 2 O but without H 2, we …
Predictions for observable atmospheres of trappist-1 planets from a fully coupled atmosphere–interior evolution model
The Trappist-1 planets provide a unique opportunity to test the current understanding of
rocky planet evolution. The James Webb Space Telescope is expected to characterize the …
rocky planet evolution. The James Webb Space Telescope is expected to characterize the …
Implications of atmospheric nondetections for TRAPPIST-1 inner planets on atmospheric retention prospects for outer planets
JWST secondary eclipse observations of Trappist-1b seemingly disfavor atmospheres>∼ 1
bar since heat redistribution is expected to yield dayside emission temperature below the∼ …
bar since heat redistribution is expected to yield dayside emission temperature below the∼ …
Water-rich planets: How habitable is a water layer deeper than on Earth?
Water is necessary for the origin and survival of life as we know it. In the search for life-
friendly worlds, water-rich planets therefore are obvious candidates and have attracted …
friendly worlds, water-rich planets therefore are obvious candidates and have attracted …