Doctor: An integrated software fault injection environment for distributed real-time systems

S Han, KG Shin, HA Rosenberg - Proceedings of 1995 IEEE …, 1995 -
The paper presents an integrated software fault injection environment (DOCTOR) which is
capable of (1) generating synthetic workloads under which system dependability is …

High performance and scalable I/O virtualization via self-virtualized devices

H Raj, K Schwan - Proceedings of the 16th international symposium on …, 2007 -
While industry is making rapid advances in system virtualization, for server consolidation
and for improving system maintenance and management, it has not yet become clear how …

Energy-constrained scheduling for weakly-hard real-time systems

TA AlEnawy, H Aydin - 26th IEEE International Real-Time …, 2005 -
In this paper, we explore performance optimization problems for real-time systems that have
to rely on a fixed energy budget during an operation/mission. We adopt the weakly-hard …

Weakly Hard Real-Time Model for Control Systems: A Survey

K Salamun, I Pavić, H Džapo, I Čuljak - Sensors, 2023 -
The concept of weakly hard real-time systems can be used to model real-time systems that
may tolerate occasional deadline misses in a bounded and predictable manner. This model …

Development and use of a new task model for cyber-physical systems: A real-time scheduling perspective

J Lee, KG Shin - Journal of Systems and Software, 2017 - Elsevier
In a typical cyber-physical system (CPS), the cyber/computation subsystem controls the
physical subsystem, and therefore the computer society has recently paid considerable …

Providing Real-Time Applications With Graceful Degradation of QoS and Fault Tolerance According to-Firm Model

J Li, YQ Song, F Simonot-Lion - IEEE Transactions on Industrial …, 2006 -
The (m,k)-firm model has recently drawn a lot of attention. It provides a flexible real-time
system with graceful degradation of the quality of service (QoS), thus achieving the fault …

QMON: QoS-and utility-aware monitoring in enterprise systems

S Agarwala, Y Chen, D Milojicic… - 2006 IEEE International …, 2006 -
The scale, reliability and cost requirements of enterprise data centers require automation of
center management. Examples include provisioning, scheduling, capacity planning, logging …

Energy-constrained scheduling for weakly hard real-time systems using standby-sparing

L Niu, DB Rawat, J Musselwhite, Z Gu… - ACM Transactions on …, 2024 -
For real-time embedded systems, QoS (Quality of Service), fault tolerance, and energy
budget constraint are among the primary design concerns. In this research, we investigate …

Sospa: A system of security design patterns for systematically engineering secure systems

PH Nguyen, K Yskout, T Heyman… - 2015 ACM/IEEE 18th …, 2015 -
Model-Driven Security (MDS) for secure systems development still has limitations to be more
applicable in practice. A recent systematic review of MDS shows that current MDS …

Scheduling linear chain streaming applications on heterogeneous systems with failures

A Benoit, A Dobrila, JM Nicod, L Philippe - Future Generation Computer …, 2013 - Elsevier
In this paper, we study the problem of optimizing the throughput of streaming applications for
heterogeneous platforms subject to failures. Applications are linear graphs of tasks …