[HTML][HTML] Nanomaterials in geopolymer composites: A review
Nanomaterials (NMs) are being used to enhance the properties of construction materials.
This review focuses on the use of NMs to improve the characteristics of fresh and hardened …
This review focuses on the use of NMs to improve the characteristics of fresh and hardened …
An experimental investigation and machine learning-based prediction for seismic performance of steel tubular column filled with recycled aggregate concrete
This work presents the design and application of a low-cycle reciprocating loading test on 23
recycled aggregate concrete-filled steel tube columns and 3 ordinary concrete-filled steel …
recycled aggregate concrete-filled steel tube columns and 3 ordinary concrete-filled steel …
[HTML][HTML] Ternary cementless composite based on red mud, ultra-fine fly ash, and GGBS: Synergistic utilization and geopolymerization mechanism
Industrial solid wastes, such as ultra-fine fly ash (RUFA) and ground granulated blast-
furnace slag (GGBS), hold tremendous potential for recycling due to their abundance and …
furnace slag (GGBS), hold tremendous potential for recycling due to their abundance and …
AI-based performance prediction for 3D-printed concrete considering anisotropy and steam curing condition
The 3D concrete printing (3DCP) technique piques the curiosity of several researchers and
enterprises. However, there are few systematic investigations into how curing conditions …
enterprises. However, there are few systematic investigations into how curing conditions …
Machine learning prediction of concrete compressive strength using rebound hammer test
Abstract Machine learning has become a key branch in artificial intelligence by providing
unique predictive modeling solutions. Predicting the compressive strength of concrete …
unique predictive modeling solutions. Predicting the compressive strength of concrete …
Mechanical properties prediction of lightweight coal gangue shotcrete
Coal gangue is one of the most common types of solid waste worldwide, and its storage not
only consumes land resources but also pollutes the water, air, and soil leading to resource …
only consumes land resources but also pollutes the water, air, and soil leading to resource …
[HTML][HTML] Multi-response optimization of ceramic waste geopolymer concrete using BWM and TOPSIS-based taguchi methods
This study examines the effect of using ceramic waste (CW) and granulated blast furnace
slag (GBFS) as a blended binder on the mechanical and durability characteristics of …
slag (GBFS) as a blended binder on the mechanical and durability characteristics of …
Mechanical and electrical properties investigation for electrically conductive cementitious composite containing nano-graphite activated magnetite
Electrically conductive cementitious composite (ECCC) is a multifunctional material utilized
in structural health monitoring (SHM), electromagnetic shielding, and pavement deicing. The …
in structural health monitoring (SHM), electromagnetic shielding, and pavement deicing. The …
[HTML][HTML] Integrating virtual reality and building information modeling for improving highway tunnel emergency response training
During the last two decades, managers have been applying Building Information Modeling
(BIM) to improve the quality of management as well as operation. The effectiveness of …
(BIM) to improve the quality of management as well as operation. The effectiveness of …
[HTML][HTML] Molecular interfacial properties and engineering performance of conductive fillers in cementitious composites
Conductive fillers, such as graphite particles (GP), steel slags (SS), and ground granulated
blast furnace slag (GGBS) have been widely utilized in designing electrically conductive …
blast furnace slag (GGBS) have been widely utilized in designing electrically conductive …