Association between work-related features and coronary artery disease: A heterogeneous hybrid feature selection integrated with balancing approach

E Nasarian, M Abdar, MA Fahami… - Pattern Recognition …, 2020 - Elsevier
Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a leading cause of death worldwide and is associated with
high healthcare expenditure. Researchers are motivated to apply machine learning (ML) for …

Adaptive weighted fuzzy rule-based system for the risk level assessment of heart disease

AK Paul, PC Shill, MRI Rabin, K Murase - Applied Intelligence, 2018 - Springer
Expert's knowledge base systems are not effective as a decision-making aid for physicians
in providing accurate diagnosis and treatment of heart diseases due to vagueness in …

Improving semi-supervised co-forest algorithm in evolving data streams

Y Wang, T Li - Applied Intelligence, 2018 - Springer
Semi-supervised learning, which uses a large amount of unlabeled data to improve the
performance of a classifier when only a limited amount of labeled data is available, has …

Multi-GPU approach to global induction of classification trees for large-scale data mining

K Jurczuk, M Czajkowski, M Kretowski - Applied Intelligence, 2021 - Springer
This paper concerns the evolutionary induction of decision trees (DT) for large-scale data.
Such a global approach is one of the alternatives to the top-down inducers. It searches for …

Fusion transcript detection from RNA-Seq using jaccard distance

H Mohebbi, N Haspel, D Simovici, J Quach - Proceedings of the 11th …, 2020 -
Gene fusion events are quite common in prostate, lymphoid, soft tissue, breast, gastric, and
lung cancers. This requires fast and accurate fusion detection methods. However, accurate …

Parallel SIMD CPU and GPU implementations of Berlekamp–Massey algorithm and its error correction application

H Mohebbi - International Journal of Parallel Programming, 2019 - Springer
Abstract The Berlekamp–Massey algorithm finds the shortest linear feedback shift register
for a binary input sequence. A wide range of applications like cryptography and digital signal …

Detection and estimation of down syndrome genes by machine learning techniques

E Çelik, HO İlhan, A Elbir - 2017 25th Signal Processing and …, 2017 -
Down syndrome is accepted as the common birth defect in population and diagnosed as
more physical development with less cognitive activity than an average human. Early …

Artificial Immune-Based Semi-supervised Learning for Classification

Y Wang - 2023 International Conference on Cyber-Enabled …, 2023 -
Recently, artificial immune algorithms have attracted great attention of researchers and been
widely used in function optimization, pattern recognition and classification. Traditional …

FDJD: RNA-Seq Based Fusion Transcript Detection Using Jaccard Distance

H Mohebbi, N Haspel - bioRxiv, 2021 -
Gene fusions events, which are the result of two genes fused together to create a hybrid
gene, were first described in cancer cells in the early 1980s. These events are relatively …

[CARTE][B] High Performance Computing Solutions to Problems on Coding Theory, Distance Learning, Mars Image Crater Detection and Cancer Structural Variations …

H Mohebbi - 2020 -
Over the past 20 years, data has increased on a large scale in various fields and
researchers are facing new challenges to work with this huge volume of data. My passion for …