{GL-Cache}: Group-level learning for efficient and high-performance caching
Web applications rely heavily on software caches to achieve low-latency, high-throughput
services. To adapt to changing workloads, three types of learned caches (learned evictions) …
services. To adapt to changing workloads, three types of learned caches (learned evictions) …
Kangaroo: Caching billions of tiny objects on flash
Many social-media and IoT services have very large working sets consisting of billions of
tiny (≈ 100 B) objects. Large, flash-based caches are important to serving these working …
tiny (≈ 100 B) objects. Large, flash-based caches are important to serving these working …
{RobinHood}: Tail Latency Aware Caching--Dynamic Reallocation from {Cache-Rich} to {Cache-Poor}
Tail latency is of great importance in user-facing web services. However, maintaining low tail
latency is challenging, because a single request to a web application server results in …
latency is challenging, because a single request to a web application server results in …
Caching with delayed hits
Caches are at the heart of latency-sensitive systems. In this paper, we identify a growing
challenge for the design of latency-minimizing caches called delayed hits. Delayed hits …
challenge for the design of latency-minimizing caches called delayed hits. Delayed hits …
Towards lightweight and robust machine learning for cdn caching
Recent advances in the field of reinforcement learning promise a general approach to
optimize networking systems. This paper argues against the recent trend for generalization …
optimize networking systems. This paper argues against the recent trend for generalization …
Fundamental limits on the regret of online network-caching
Optimal caching of files in a content distribution network (CDN) is a problem of fundamental
and growing commercial interest. Although many different caching algorithms are in use …
and growing commercial interest. Although many different caching algorithms are in use …
PA-cache: Evolving learning-based popularity-aware content caching in edge networks
As ubiquitous and personalized services are growing boomingly, an increasingly large
amount of traffic is generated over the network by massive mobile devices. As a result …
amount of traffic is generated over the network by massive mobile devices. As a result …
Vss: A storage system for video analytics
We present a new video storage system (VSS) designed to decouple high-level video
operations from the low-level details required to store and efficiently retrieve video data. VSS …
operations from the low-level details required to store and efficiently retrieve video data. VSS …
Raven: belady-guided, predictive (deep) learning for in-memory and content caching
Performance of caching algorithms not only determines the quality of experience for users,
but also affects the operating and capital expenditures for cloud service providers. Today's …
but also affects the operating and capital expenditures for cloud service providers. Today's …
Online caching with optimal switching regret
We consider the classical uncoded caching problem from an online learning point-of-view. A
cache of limited storage capacity can hold C files at a time from a large catalog. A user …
cache of limited storage capacity can hold C files at a time from a large catalog. A user …