[HTML][HTML] Debris flow and debris flood hazard assessment in mountain catchments
T Baggio, M Martini, F Bettella, V D'Agostino - Catena, 2024 - Elsevier
Debris flow and debris flood phenomena threat the life of thousands of citizens living in
mountain areas and endanger buildings and infrastructure worldwide. The assessment of …
mountain areas and endanger buildings and infrastructure worldwide. The assessment of …
The impacts of disturbances on mountain ecosystem services: Insights from BEAST and Bayesian network
R Lyu, J Pang, J Zhang, J Zhang - Applied Geography, 2024 - Elsevier
Disturbances, such as wildfire, insect outbreak, wind throw and building construction, can
significantly alter ecological processes and impact the supply of mountain ecosystem …
significantly alter ecological processes and impact the supply of mountain ecosystem …
Laboratory flume experiments on the characteristics of large wood accumulations from debris flow and the backwater rise at slit-check dams
Large wood is an important component of headwater streams in forested mountain regions
and currently considered an important composition of debris flow due to the fact that the …
and currently considered an important composition of debris flow due to the fact that the …
Assessing patterns of spatial distribution of large wood in semi-natural, single-thread channels of Central Europe
Spatial distribution of large wood (LW) is frequently assessed in a simplified form as a
degree to which wood is clustered into jams usually as the consequence of previous wood …
degree to which wood is clustered into jams usually as the consequence of previous wood …