Shelving, stacking, hanging: Relational pose diffusion for multi-modal rearrangement
We propose a system for rearranging objects in a scene to achieve a desired object-scene
placing relationship, such as a book inserted in an open slot of a bookshelf. The pipeline …
placing relationship, such as a book inserted in an open slot of a bookshelf. The pipeline …
Se (3)-equivariant relational rearrangement with neural descriptor fields
We present a framework for specifying tasks involving spatial relations between objects
using only 5-10 demonstrations and then executing such tasks given point cloud …
using only 5-10 demonstrations and then executing such tasks given point cloud …
Reorientdiff: Diffusion model based reorientation for object manipulation
The ability to manipulate objects in desired configurations is a fundamental requirement for
robots to complete various practical applications. While certain goals can be achieved by …
robots to complete various practical applications. While certain goals can be achieved by …
Reorientbot: Learning object reorientation for specific-posed placement
Robots need the capability of placing objects in arbitrary, specific poses to rearrange the
world and achieve various valuable tasks. Object reorientation plays a crucial role in this as …
world and achieve various valuable tasks. Object reorientation plays a crucial role in this as …
Generative category-level shape and pose estimation with semantic primitives
Empowering autonomous agents with 3D understanding for daily objects is a grand
challenge in robotics applications. When exploring in an unknown environment, existing …
challenge in robotics applications. When exploring in an unknown environment, existing …
Roboassembly: Learning generalizable furniture assembly policy in a novel multi-robot contact-rich simulation environment
Part assembly is a typical but challenging task in robotics, where robots assemble a set of
individual parts into a complete shape. In this paper, we develop a robotic assembly …
individual parts into a complete shape. In this paper, we develop a robotic assembly …
Integrating large language models with multimodal virtual reality interfaces to support collaborative human–robot construction work
In the construction industry, where work environments are complex, unstructured and often
dangerous, the implementation of human–robot collaboration (HRC) is emerging as a …
dangerous, the implementation of human–robot collaboration (HRC) is emerging as a …
Efficient object manipulation to an arbitrary goal pose: Learning-based anytime prioritized planning
We focus on the task of object manipulation to an arbitrary goal pose, in which a robot is
supposed to pick an assigned object to place at the goal position with a specific orientation …
supposed to pick an assigned object to place at the goal position with a specific orientation …
Learning to Place Unseen Objects Stably using a Large-scale Simulation
Object placement is a fundamental task for robots, yet it remains challenging for partially
observed objects. Existing methods for object placement have limitations, such as the …
observed objects. Existing methods for object placement have limitations, such as the …
Learning to reorient objects with stable placements afforded by extrinsic supports
Reorienting objects by using supports is a practical yet challenging manipulation task.
Owing to the intricate geometry of objects and the constrained feasible motions of the robot …
Owing to the intricate geometry of objects and the constrained feasible motions of the robot …