Lake water temperature modeling in an era of climate change: Data sources, models, and future prospects
Lake thermal dynamics have been considerably impacted by climate change, with potential
adverse effects on aquatic ecosystems. To better understand the potential impacts of future …
adverse effects on aquatic ecosystems. To better understand the potential impacts of future …
[HTML][HTML] Lake thermal structure drives interannual variability in summer anoxia dynamics in a eutrophic lake over 37 years
The concentration of oxygen is fundamental to lake water quality and ecosystem functioning
through its control over habitat availability for organisms, redox reactions, and recycling of …
through its control over habitat availability for organisms, redox reactions, and recycling of …
Responses to local and global stressors in the large southern perialpine lakes: Present status and challenges for research and management
Here, we review the state-of-the-art of limnological investigations in the large and deep
lakes south of the Alps (DSLs), lakes Garda, Maggiore, Como, Iseo and Lugano. In the pre …
lakes south of the Alps (DSLs), lakes Garda, Maggiore, Como, Iseo and Lugano. In the pre …
The formation of a metalimnetic oxygen minimum exemplifies how ecosystem dynamics shape biogeochemical processes: A modelling study
Metalimnetic oxygen minima are observed in many lakes and reservoirs, but the
mechanisms behind this phenomena are not well understood. Thus, we simulated the …
mechanisms behind this phenomena are not well understood. Thus, we simulated the …
Calibration of a complex hydro-ecological model through Approximate Bayesian Computation and Random Forest combined with sensitivity analysis
An automated calibration method is proposed and applied to the complex hydro-ecological
model Delft3D-BLOOM which is calibrated from monitoring data of the lake Champs-sur …
model Delft3D-BLOOM which is calibrated from monitoring data of the lake Champs-sur …
Cascading climate effects in deep reservoirs: Full assessment of physical and biogeochemical dynamics under ensemble climate projections and ways towards …
We coupled twenty-first century climate projections with a well-established water quality
model to depict future ecological changes of Rappbode Reservoir, Germany. Our results …
model to depict future ecological changes of Rappbode Reservoir, Germany. Our results …
[HTML][HTML] Impact of urban stormwater runoff on cyanobacteria dynamics in a tropical urban lake
Worldwide, eutrophication and cyanobacteria blooms in lakes and reservoirs are a great
concern for water resources management. Coupling a catchment hydrological model and a …
concern for water resources management. Coupling a catchment hydrological model and a …
A framework for develo** a real-time lake phytoplankton forecasting system to support water quality management in the face of global change
Phytoplankton blooms create harmful toxins, scums, and taste and odor compounds and
thus pose a major risk to drinking water safety. Climate and land use change are increasing …
thus pose a major risk to drinking water safety. Climate and land use change are increasing …
[HTML][HTML] Estimation of long-term series of total nutrient loads flowing into a large perialpine lake (Lake Como, Northern Italy) from incomplete discrete data by …
Continuous series of nutrient loads released into a water body are essential for nutrient
budgeting, water quality modelling and watershed management activities. A quintessential …
budgeting, water quality modelling and watershed management activities. A quintessential …
Detecting climate driven changes in chlorophyll-a in deep subalpine lakes using long term satellite data
Climate change has increased the temperature and altered the mixing regime of high-value
lakes in the subalpine region of Northern Italy. Remote sensing of chlorophyll-a can help …
lakes in the subalpine region of Northern Italy. Remote sensing of chlorophyll-a can help …