Spacing and interleaving effects require distinct theoretical bases: A systematic review testing the cognitive load and discriminative-contrast hypotheses
Spaced and interleaved practices have been identified as effective learning strategies which
sometimes are conflated as a single strategy and at other times treated as distinct. Learning …
sometimes are conflated as a single strategy and at other times treated as distinct. Learning …
The spacing effect stands up to big data
ASN Kim, AMB Wong-Kee-You, M Wiseheart… - Behavior Research …, 2019 - Springer
Many studies have shown that repetition of study material with temporal gaps between the
repetitions (ie, spaced in time) is more effective for long-term retention than are repetitions in …
repetitions (ie, spaced in time) is more effective for long-term retention than are repetitions in …
Rapid Learning in Frontline Grocery Workers During the COVID‐19 Pandemic
JG Halilova, D Valtchanov… - Applied Cognitive …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Prolonged stress and the need for rapid uptake of information can have detrimental effects
on memory and cognition, whereas meaningfulness of study material and motivation to learn …
on memory and cognition, whereas meaningfulness of study material and motivation to learn …
Role of the hippocampus in the spacing effect during memory retrieval
C Li, J Yang - Hippocampus, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
It is well known that distributed learning (DL) leads to improved memory performance
compared with massed learning (ML)(ie, spacing effect). However, the extent to which the …
compared with massed learning (ML)(ie, spacing effect). However, the extent to which the …
Getting better without memory
Does the tendency to adjust appraisals of ourselves in the past and future in order to
maintain a favourable view of ourselves in the present require episodic memory? A …
maintain a favourable view of ourselves in the present require episodic memory? A …
Specifying the neural basis of the spacing effect with multivariate ERP
ASN Kim, M Wiseheart, AMB Wong-Kee-You, BT Le… - Neuropsychologia, 2020 - Elsevier
The spacing effect refers to the finding that, given a fixed amount of study time, a longer
interval between study repetitions improves long-term retention (eg, Cepeda et al., 2006; …
interval between study repetitions improves long-term retention (eg, Cepeda et al., 2006; …
Gradual learning and inflexible strategy use in amnesia: Evidence from case HC
The value of case studies in informing our understanding of dissociations and interactions in
memory was recognized early on by Endel Tulving, whose comprehensive work with the …
memory was recognized early on by Endel Tulving, whose comprehensive work with the …
Does spacing retrieval practice lead to a benefit in word learning before and after sleep? A developmental perspective
MA Olsson - 2022 - etheses.whiterose.ac.uk
Understanding how to promote word learning across development is a crucial research
area, as vocabulary size can predict academic and employment success. Spaced (relative to …
area, as vocabulary size can predict academic and employment success. Spaced (relative to …
[PDF][PDF] The Effects of Acquisition and Test Conditions on Declarative and Motor-Procedural Memory for Complex Tools
HA Fernandes - 2020 - yorkspace.library.yorku.ca
Previous research revealed that the acquisition and retention of various tool properties (eg,
recalling information about a tools attributes, performing tool-related motor actions …
recalling information about a tools attributes, performing tool-related motor actions …
[PDF][PDF] Temporal Self-Appraisal in Developmental Amnesia
JG Halilova - 2019 - yorkspace.library.yorku.ca
According to temporal self-appraisal theory, people evaluate themselves in the past in a way
that makes them feel good about themselves in the present. In line with this theory, studies …
that makes them feel good about themselves in the present. In line with this theory, studies …