A comprehensive review on the progress of lead zirconate-based antiferroelectric materials
Lead zirconate (PbZrO 3 or PZ)-based antiferroelectric (AFE) materials, as a group of
important electronic materials, have attracted increasing attention for their potential …
important electronic materials, have attracted increasing attention for their potential …
Electrocaloric materials for future solid-state refrigeration technologies
M Valant - Progress in Materials Science, 2012 - Elsevier
The electrocaloric (EC) effect is an adiabatic and reversible temperature change that occurs
in a polar material upon application of an electric field. The current intensive research in EC …
in a polar material upon application of an electric field. The current intensive research in EC …
Electrocaloric cooling materials and devices for zero-global-warming-potential, high-efficiency refrigeration
Electrocaloric cooling technologies, enabled by the discovery of the giant electrocaloric
effect in dielectrics more than a decade ago, represents a zero-global-warming-potential …
effect in dielectrics more than a decade ago, represents a zero-global-warming-potential …
Highly efficient electrocaloric cooling with electrostatic actuation
Solid-state refrigeration offers potential advantages over traditional cooling systems, but few
devices offer high specific cooling power with a high coefficient of performance (COP) and …
devices offer high specific cooling power with a high coefficient of performance (COP) and …
Giant Electrocaloric Response Over A Broad Temperature Range in Modified BaTiO3 Ceramics
A giant electrocaloric effect (ECE) near room temperature is reported in a lead‐free bulk
inorganic material. By tuning Ba (ZrxTi1–x) O3 compositions which also exhibit relaxor …
inorganic material. By tuning Ba (ZrxTi1–x) O3 compositions which also exhibit relaxor …
Electronic cooling and energy harvesting using ferroelectric polymer composites
Thermal management emerges as a grand challenge of next-generation electronics. Efforts
to develop compact, solid-state cooling devices have led to the exploration of the …
to develop compact, solid-state cooling devices have led to the exploration of the …
A chip scale electrocaloric effect based cooling device
The recent finding of large electrocaloric effect in several ferroelectric polymers creates
unique opportunity for develo** compact size solid state cooling cycles beyond the …
unique opportunity for develo** compact size solid state cooling cycles beyond the …
A solid-state refrigerator based on the electrocaloric effect
Y Jia, Y Sungtaek Ju - Applied Physics Letters, 2012 - pubs.aip.org
The electrocaloric effect offers an attractive alternative to the Peltier effect for compact high-
efficiency solid-state refrigeration. We report an implementation and experimental …
efficiency solid-state refrigeration. We report an implementation and experimental …
Caloric devices: A review on numerical modeling and optimization strategies
The discovery of giant caloric effects and further investigation on device systems that can
compete with current heat management technologies in terms of efficiency have led to a …
compete with current heat management technologies in terms of efficiency have led to a …
The giant electrocaloric effect and high effective cooling power near room temperature for BaTiO3 thick film
The electrocaloric effect (ECE) of BaTiO 3 multilayer thick film was investigated by direct
calorimetric measurement. The ECE increases monotonically with the enhancement of …
calorimetric measurement. The ECE increases monotonically with the enhancement of …