An implicit/explicit integration scheme to increase computability of non-linear material and contact/friction problems
An implicit/explicit integration scheme for non-linear constitutive models is presented. It aims
at providing additional computability to those solid mechanics problems were robustness is …
at providing additional computability to those solid mechanics problems were robustness is …
Consistent tangent matrices for substep** schemes
A very simple and general expression of the consistent tangent matrix for substep** time-
integration schemes is presented. If needed, the derivatives required for the computation of …
integration schemes is presented. If needed, the derivatives required for the computation of …
Arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian (ALE) formulation for hyperelastoplasticity
Abstract The arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian (ALE) description in non‐linear solid mechanics
is nowadays standard for hypoelastic–plastic models. An extension to hyperelastic–plastic …
is nowadays standard for hypoelastic–plastic models. An extension to hyperelastic–plastic …
Adaptive finite element remeshing in a large deformation analysis of metal powder forming
In this paper, a general framework for the finite element simulation of powder forming
processes is presented. A large displacement formulation, based on a total and updated …
processes is presented. A large displacement formulation, based on a total and updated …
Particle finite element methods in solid mechanics problems
The paper examines the possibilities of extending the Particle finite element methods
(PFEM), which have been successfully applied in fluid mechanics, to solid mechanics …
(PFEM), which have been successfully applied in fluid mechanics, to solid mechanics …
Modelling dynamic and irreversible powder compaction
A multiphase hyperbolic model for dynamic and irreversible powder compaction is built.
Four important points have to be addressed in this case. The first one is related to the …
Four important points have to be addressed in this case. The first one is related to the …
Finite element simulation for dynamic large elastoplastic deformation in metal powder forming
In this paper, a transient dynamic analysis of the powder compaction process is simulated by
a large displacement finite element method based on a total and updated Lagrangian …
a large displacement finite element method based on a total and updated Lagrangian …
Die compaction of copper powder designed for material parameter identification
This article presents uniaxial compaction experiments of a fine copper powder in a
cylindrical die. The compaction process consists of monotonic loading and of loading paths …
cylindrical die. The compaction process consists of monotonic loading and of loading paths …
Compression mechanics of granule beds: a combined finite/discrete element study
Compression of three-dimensional beds comprising 1000 plastically deforming initially
spherical granules is investigated by using the combined finite/discrete element (FE/DE) …
spherical granules is investigated by using the combined finite/discrete element (FE/DE) …
A finite strain constitutive model for metal powder compaction using a unique and convex single surface yield function
Constitutive modelling of metal powder compaction processes is a challenge in view of
realistic simulations. To this end, the article under consideration has two objectives: the first …
realistic simulations. To this end, the article under consideration has two objectives: the first …