An implicit/explicit integration scheme to increase computability of non-linear material and contact/friction problems

J Oliver, AE Huespe, JC Cante - Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics …, 2008‏ - Elsevier
An implicit/explicit integration scheme for non-linear constitutive models is presented. It aims
at providing additional computability to those solid mechanics problems were robustness is …

Consistent tangent matrices for substep** schemes

A Pérez-Foguet, A Rodrı́guez-Ferran… - Computer methods in …, 2001‏ - Elsevier
A very simple and general expression of the consistent tangent matrix for substep** time-
integration schemes is presented. If needed, the derivatives required for the computation of …

Arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian (ALE) formulation for hyperelastoplasticity

A Rodríguez‐Ferran, A Pérez‐Foguet… - … Journal for Numerical …, 2002‏ - Wiley Online Library
Abstract The arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian (ALE) description in non‐linear solid mechanics
is nowadays standard for hypoelastic–plastic models. An extension to hyperelastic–plastic …

Adaptive finite element remeshing in a large deformation analysis of metal powder forming

AR Khoei, RW Lewis - International Journal for Numerical …, 1999‏ - Wiley Online Library
In this paper, a general framework for the finite element simulation of powder forming
processes is presented. A large displacement formulation, based on a total and updated …

Particle finite element methods in solid mechanics problems

J Oliver, JC Cante, R Weyler, C González… - Computational …, 2007‏ - Springer
The paper examines the possibilities of extending the Particle finite element methods
(PFEM), which have been successfully applied in fluid mechanics, to solid mechanics …

Modelling dynamic and irreversible powder compaction

R Saurel, N Favrie, F Petitpas… - Journal of Fluid …, 2010‏ -
A multiphase hyperbolic model for dynamic and irreversible powder compaction is built.
Four important points have to be addressed in this case. The first one is related to the …

Finite element simulation for dynamic large elastoplastic deformation in metal powder forming

AR Khoei, RW Lewis - Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 1998‏ - Elsevier
In this paper, a transient dynamic analysis of the powder compaction process is simulated by
a large displacement finite element method based on a total and updated Lagrangian …

Die compaction of copper powder designed for material parameter identification

W Bier, MP Dariel, N Frage, S Hartmann… - International Journal of …, 2007‏ - Elsevier
This article presents uniaxial compaction experiments of a fine copper powder in a
cylindrical die. The compaction process consists of monotonic loading and of loading paths …

Compression mechanics of granule beds: a combined finite/discrete element study

G Frenning - Chemical Engineering Science, 2010‏ - Elsevier
Compression of three-dimensional beds comprising 1000 plastically deforming initially
spherical granules is investigated by using the combined finite/discrete element (FE/DE) …

A finite strain constitutive model for metal powder compaction using a unique and convex single surface yield function

W Bier, S Hartmann - European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, 2006‏ - Elsevier
Constitutive modelling of metal powder compaction processes is a challenge in view of
realistic simulations. To this end, the article under consideration has two objectives: the first …