Solar prominences: observations
S Parenti - Living Reviews in Solar Physics, 2014 - Springer
Solar prominences are one of the most common features of the solar atmosphere. They are
found in the corona but they are one hundred times cooler and denser than the coronal …
found in the corona but they are one hundred times cooler and denser than the coronal …
Prominence oscillations
Prominences are intriguing, but poorly understood, magnetic structures of the solar corona.
The dynamics of solar prominences has been the subject of a large number of studies, and …
The dynamics of solar prominences has been the subject of a large number of studies, and …
Solar prominences: theory and models: Fleshing out the magnetic skeleton
Magnetic fields suspend the relatively cool material of solar prominences in an otherwise hot
corona. A comprehensive understanding of solar prominences ultimately requires complex …
corona. A comprehensive understanding of solar prominences ultimately requires complex …
A breakout model for solar coronal jets with filaments
Recent observations have revealed that many solar coronal jets involve the eruption of
miniature versions of large-scale filaments. Such" mini-filaments" are observed to form along …
miniature versions of large-scale filaments. Such" mini-filaments" are observed to form along …
Thermal instability and non-equilibrium in solar coronal loops: from coronal rain to long-period intensity pulsations
The complex interaction of the magnetic field with matter is the key to some of the most
puzzling observed phenomena at multiple scales across the Universe, from tokamak plasma …
puzzling observed phenomena at multiple scales across the Universe, from tokamak plasma …
[ספר][B] Plasma Astrophysics, Part I: Fundamentals and Practice
BV Somov - 2012 - books.google.com
This two-part book is devoted to classic fundamentals and current practices and
perspectives of modern plasma astrophysics. This first part uniquely covers all the basic …
perspectives of modern plasma astrophysics. This first part uniquely covers all the basic …
Magnetic flux ropes in the solar corona: structure and evolution toward eruption
Magnetic flux ropes are characterized by coherently twisted magnetic field lines, which are
ubiquitous in magnetized plasmas. As the core structure of various eruptive phenomena in …
ubiquitous in magnetized plasmas. As the core structure of various eruptive phenomena in …
FORWARD: A toolset for multiwavelength coronal magnetometry
Determining the 3D coronal magnetic field is a critical, but extremely difficult problem to
solve. Since different types of multiwavelength coronal data probe different aspects of the …
solve. Since different types of multiwavelength coronal data probe different aspects of the …
Mass cycle and dynamics of a virtual quiescent prominence
The mass cycle of solar prominences or filaments is still not completely understood.
Researchers agree that these dense structures form by coronal in situ condensations and …
Researchers agree that these dense structures form by coronal in situ condensations and …
Coronal rain in randomly heated arcades
Adopting the MPI-AMRVAC code, we present a 2.5-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic
simulation, which includes thermal conduction and radiative cooling, to investigate the …
simulation, which includes thermal conduction and radiative cooling, to investigate the …