Survey on intelligence edge computing in 6G: Characteristics, challenges, potential use cases, and market drivers
Intelligence Edge Computing (IEC) is the key enabler of emerging 5G technologies networks
and beyond. IEC is considered to be a promising backbone of future services and wireless …
and beyond. IEC is considered to be a promising backbone of future services and wireless …
Secure and optimized load balancing for multitier IoT and edge-cloud computing systems
Mobile-edge computing (MEC) has emerged as a new computing paradigm with great
potential to alleviate resource limitations attributed to mobile device users (MDUs) by …
potential to alleviate resource limitations attributed to mobile device users (MDUs) by …
Joint computation offloading and task caching for multi-user and multi-task MEC systems: reinforcement learning-based algorithms
Computation offloading at mobile edge computing (MEC) servers can mitigate the resource
limitation and reduce the communication latency for mobile devices. Thereby, in this study …
limitation and reduce the communication latency for mobile devices. Thereby, in this study …
Advanced deep learning-based computational offloading for multilevel vehicular edge-cloud computing networks
The promise of low latency connectivity and efficient bandwidth utilization has driven the
recent shift from vehicular cloud computing (VCC) towards vehicular edge computing (VEC) …
recent shift from vehicular cloud computing (VCC) towards vehicular edge computing (VEC) …
Delay-optimal task offloading for UAV-enabled edge-cloud computing systems
The emergence of delay-sensitive and computationally-intensive mobile applications and
services pose a significant challenge for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) devices due to …
services pose a significant challenge for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) devices due to …
Secure task offloading in blockchain-enabled mobile edge computing with deep reinforcement learning
Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) is a promising and fast-develo** paradigm that provides
cloud services at the edge of the network. MEC enables IoT devices to offload and execute …
cloud services at the edge of the network. MEC enables IoT devices to offload and execute …
Adversarial deep learning based Dampster–Shafer data fusion model for intelligent transportation system
Abstract Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) have revolutionized transportation by
incorporating advanced technologies for efficient and safe mobility. However, these systems …
incorporating advanced technologies for efficient and safe mobility. However, these systems …
Ddos attack detection in vehicular ad-hoc network (vanet) for 5g networks
A Gaurav, BB Gupta, FJG Peñalvo, N Nedjah… - Security and Privacy …, 2022 - Springer
VANET is a crucial part of the intelligent transport system (ITS). VANET helps the vehicle
nodes to exchange important and life-saving information, so any attack on VANET should be …
nodes to exchange important and life-saving information, so any attack on VANET should be …
[HTML][HTML] Optimizing task offloading energy in multi-user multi-UAV-enabled mobile edge-cloud computing systems
With the emergence of various new Internet of Things (IoT) devices and the rapid increase in
the number of users, enormous services and complex applications are growing rapidly …
the number of users, enormous services and complex applications are growing rapidly …
Energy‐Efficient Relay‐Based Void Hole Prevention and Repair in Clustered Multi‐AUV Underwater Wireless Sensor Network
A Chaaf, M Saleh Ali Muthanna… - Security and …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSNs) enable various oceanic applications which
require effective packet transmission. In this case, sparse node distribution, imbalance in …
require effective packet transmission. In this case, sparse node distribution, imbalance in …