Recent trends in sustainable biodiesel production using heterogeneous nanocatalysts: function of supports, promoters, synthesis techniques, reaction mechanism …

M Ahmed, KA Ahmad, DVN Vo, M Yusuf, A Haq… - Energy Conversion and …, 2023 - Elsevier
Biodiesel is a biofuel that has several benefits over petroleum diesel. In recent years, the
utilization of biodiesel produced from oil-bearing edible biomasses has grown significantly …

Sustainable management of food waste; pre-treatment strategies, techno-economic assessment, bibliometric analysis, and potential utilizations: A systematic review

AM Elgarahy, MG Eloffy, A Alengebawy… - Environmental …, 2023 - Elsevier
Food waste (FW) contains many nutritional components such as proteins, lipids, fats,
polysaccharides, carbohydrates, and metal ions, which can be reused in some processes to …

An overview to process design, simulation and sustainability evaluation of biodiesel production

MK Pasha, L Dai, D Liu, M Guo, W Du - Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2021 - Springer
The overwhelming concerns due to over exploitation of fossil resources necessitate the
utilization of alternative energy resources. Biodiesel has been considered as one of the most …

Application and analysis of methods for selecting an optimal solution from the Pareto-optimal front obtained by multiobjective optimization

Z Wang, GP Rangaiah - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry …, 2017 - ACS Publications
Process optimization often has two or more objectives which are conflicting. For such
situations, multiobjective optimization (MOO) provides many optimal solutions, which are …

Sustainable biodiesel production via transesterification of waste cooking oil by using CaO catalysts prepared from chicken manure

T Maneerung, S Kawi, Y Dai, CH Wang - Energy Conversion and …, 2016 - Elsevier
The low cost and efficient CaO catalysts have been successfully prepared from chicken
manure by a simple calcination, in this present work. Chicken manure contains significant …

Investigation of heterogeneous solid acid catalyst performance on low grade feedstocks for biodiesel production: A review

N Mansir, YH Taufiq-Yap, U Rashid… - Energy Conversion and …, 2017 - Elsevier
The conventional fossil fuel reserves are continually declining worldwide and therefore
posing greater challenges to the future of the energy sources. Biofuel alternatives were …

Modified waste egg shell derived bifunctional catalyst for biodiesel production from high FFA waste cooking oil. A review

N Mansir, SH Teo, U Rashid, MI Saiman, YP Tan… - … and Sustainable Energy …, 2018 - Elsevier
Global energy crisis are as a result of gradual depletion of fossil fuel reserves, coupled with
population growth in develo** countries. Besides, fossil fuels are not environmentally …

Optimizing biodiesel production from abundant waste oils through empirical method and grey wolf optimizer

OD Samuel, MO Okwu, OJ Oyejide, E Taghinezhad… - Fuel, 2020 - Elsevier
The failure of classical techniques and algorithms have triggered researchers to search for
stochastic tools capably of exploring the search space with constant convergence speed …

Multi-objective optimization applications in chemical process engineering: Tutorial and review

GP Rangaiah, Z Feng, AF Hoadley - Processes, 2020 -
This tutorial and review of multi-objective optimization (MOO) gives a detailed explanation of
the 5 steps to create, solve, and then select the optimum result. Unlike single-objective …