Some causes of genotypic and phenotypic discordance in monozygotic twin pairs
GA Machin - American journal of medical genetics, 1996 - Wiley Online Library
The use of the adjective “identical” rather than monozygotic leads to misunderstandings
about the biology of monozygotic twinning. Most monozygotic twin pairs are not identical; …
about the biology of monozygotic twinning. Most monozygotic twin pairs are not identical; …
Fetal reduction: 25 years' experience
MI Evans, S Andriole, DW Britt - Fetal diagnosis and therapy, 2014 -
Fetal reduction (FR) began in the 1980s to salvage the pregnancies of couples needing
fertility therapy who were finally successful but with too many fetuses. Since then, it has gone …
fertility therapy who were finally successful but with too many fetuses. Since then, it has gone …
[KNJIGA][B] Textbook of assisted reproductive techniques
DK Gardner, A Weissman, CM Howles, Z Shoham - 2012 -
The first edition of the Textbook of Assisted Reproductive Techniques was published in
2001. As the textbook now enters its sixth edition, some 45 years since the birth of Louise …
2001. As the textbook now enters its sixth edition, some 45 years since the birth of Louise …
The economic impact of multiple-gestation pregnancies and the contribution of assisted-reproduction techniques to their incidence
TL Callahan, JE Hall, SL Ettner… - … England Journal of …, 1994 - Mass Medical Soc
Background Although the medical complications associated with multiple-gestation
pregnancies have been well documented, little is known about the effects of such …
pregnancies have been well documented, little is known about the effects of such …
[HTML][HTML] Improving the Reporting of Clinical Trials of Infertility Treatments (IMPRINT): modifying the CONSORT statement
Harbin Consensus Conference Workshop Group - Fertility and sterility, 2014 - Elsevier
Clinical trials testing infertility treatments often do not report on the major outcomes of
interest to patients and clinicians and the public (such as live birth) nor on the harms …
interest to patients and clinicians and the public (such as live birth) nor on the harms …
Improvement in outcomes of multifetal pregnancy reduction with increased experience
Objective: This study was undertaken to evaluate a decade of data on multifetal pregnancy
reductions at centers with extensive experiences. Study Design: A total of 3513 completed …
reductions at centers with extensive experiences. Study Design: A total of 3513 completed …
[KNJIGA][B] Fetal and neonatal pathology
JW Keeling - 2013 -
Fetal and Neonatal Pathology is the Third Edition of what has become the classic reference
in the field of fetal and neonatal pathology. Fully revised and up-dated, the book retains the …
in the field of fetal and neonatal pathology. Fully revised and up-dated, the book retains the …
Cervical ectopic pregnancy: results of conservative treatment.
MC Frates, CB Benson, PM Doubilet, DN Di Salvo… - Radiology, 1994 -
PURPOSE: To review experience with early sonographic diagnosis and fertility-preserving
treatment of cervical ectopic pregnancy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The authors …
treatment of cervical ectopic pregnancy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The authors …
Multifetal pregnancy reductions of triplets to twins: comparison with nonreduced triplets and twins
Y Yaron, PK Bryant-Greenwood, N Dave… - American journal of …, 1999 - Elsevier
Objective: Multifetal pregnancy reduction has been shown to improve survival rates in high-
order multifetal pregnancies (≥ 4). There is, however, some controversy as to whether …
order multifetal pregnancies (≥ 4). There is, however, some controversy as to whether …
Higher multiple births and the modern management of infertility in Britain: for the British association of perinatal medicine
MI LEVENE, J WILD, P STEER - BJOG: An International Journal …, 1992 - Wiley Online Library
Objective To assess prospectively the number of triplet and higher multiple births born in
1989 and their methods of conception. To assess obstetric factors and the effect of these …
1989 and their methods of conception. To assess obstetric factors and the effect of these …